Monday, April 26, 2010

One Second More

one word: love. and i think i'm in it.

hello again...and now for part two. { so weird to me for some reason to say that...but anyway. scroll down for part one, i guess. but be warned. this is probably the LONGEST POSTS IN THE ENTIRE HISTORY OF LONG POSTS.}well a few nights ago i had this amazing idea about photography, sort of, more like a i thought i could take a picture, then a picture of that picture, then a picture of a different picture and so on but it would all end up as the same picture in the end, just a picture of a picture of a picture and on and on, so it would never end, it would be like you could just keep looking on forever. and also it would be different pictures of every piece of my life that i love, so it would be like everything important to me in one single photo. however, i got to the first photo, and then i realized it was not actually possible. i mean, you can do it with the same picture, but its just not as good. it still makes sense though in my head, somehow. anyway, i havent given up yet, i will find a way...fingers crossed. i'm really obsessed with photography right now, which is sort of ironic since my camera is broken. for those of you who dont know, i cant seem to be able to keep anything in the realm of ipod, phone, camera, etc either belong to me or in working condition....i break things. or they get stolen. this will be my fourth camera, i'm on my second ipod, and i'm in the process of getting my third phone. and i always lose my wallet, and checks and stuff. but, hopefully i wont get anything more valuable until i can actually keep stuff in my posession :)
also this weekend, i had large amounts of ice cream. p.s. heaven = vanilla ice cream, ground up espresso beans and chocolate powder. i've had it about everyday for the past few days.
to finish this extremely looong post heres some more news...

well, i finally watched the hangover. it totally made me laugh, i loved it.

also, if you are bored or have some free time, watch this...

ok...i'm done. anyway, goodbye for now.

Song: Fade Away ~ Breaking Benjamin

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