Friday, April 9, 2010

Don't Mess With Them...Just So You Know

so most people would just assume, most likely, that ok, if a swan is sitting there chilling and eating, maybe you dont wanna get too close to it, but hey if you're...say, maybe 20 feet away it wont try and hurt you right? WRONG. just as a warning, if a swan gets pissed at you, RUN AWAY. i volunteered to feed my neighbors' {who by the way are really nice people} animals while theyre on vacation and this is why i was harassed by a swan. for some reason i seem to have a talent in pissing him off. anyway so i went down there with my mom and my brother and it was all good, i fed the ducks and swans and they were all ok, it was all good. until i tried to leave and the freakin swan started hissing and then, oh joy, he started running after me. ok, so i didnt think the swan would actually follow me and keep following me. but he did, because apparently, he was royally pissed.
and also, i had to go back to make sure i had closed the door, because i'm just a worrier {thats a word right?} like that. and then i found a snake right by my feet. i swear snakes dont freak me out or anything, but for some reason i sorta freaked out a little. not too bad, but lets just say...i've done a bit more screaming today than normal i guess. and i pretty much never scream. so.

also, i made blueberry muffins today, if you're wondering whats with all the random pictures of bluberry muffins. and yes i know i'm a nerd to actually post pictures of them but you know what? only two people as far as i know actually might read this blog, so i'm ok with looking like a nerd at this point. theyre my friends, so i can be a nerd to them anyway. i know i'm going to sound too full of myself, but they were awesome. The muffins. in case you were confused. and i actually did it right, like i didnt even screw up the recipe or anything. which is a first. i swear when i move out i'm going to be one of those people who eats out all the time because they cant cook. hopefully i can have a roommate who either can teach me or just really enjoys to cook for themselves. cam had little faith in me though, apparently he was saying 'oh yeah they'll be good, but you know emma, she'll probably leave out a main ingredient or something'....which sadly isnt unlikely at all. but what can i do? anyway. its technically the last day of break, then onto the weekend. i've sort of just resigned myself to the fact that i will most likely end up blogging everyday til the end of break. and yes, i am slightly obsessed. but otherwise i would be doing homework, which happens to include reading lord of the rings for english and star test practice for math, so i am happy to do anything else. and now i'm going to go play guitar and try to write a song. so until soon. probably more like a few hours. but what can you do? as a last note, seriously, dont mess with a swan that looks like he might be pissed, or is in the process. just saying.


Song: Monsoon ~ Tokio Hotel


  1. Hi emma, I never knew swans were so crazy. I'm glad u are ok. Love reading your blog, good thoughts and whimzies.

  2. those muffins look sooooo good! I want to eat 100 of them right now! Congradulations on being so succesful! thanks for the warning on the swans, that reminds me of my swan experiences! any way ...miss you!

  3. swans, huh? i knew geese were like that...
    you ARE NOT a nerd. those muffins look good. :P
