Sunday, April 11, 2010


We got a new guitar! so happy :) its so pretty, my dad got it off Craigslist. its a Yamaha, but its a red label Yamaha, which means its pretty 30 or 40 yrs. which makes it even cooler. it sounds really bright and happy and the pegs are all old looking and vintagy. i love. I think i'm gonna name her scarlett probably, because my other one is named indigo. so, slighty nerdy yes i know to name it, but that's who i am. :D anyway...i didn't actually end up blogging yesterday, whatdya know?! actually it was more because nothing interesting happened...i cleaned my room, did math homework, and such. and this morning i forced myself to play my violin for school. joy joy. it actually wasn't that bad, but i would rather play guitar.
anyway, then, guess what, i had to go over and feed the swans and the other aminals {yes i meant to spell it that way, i love how it sounds when you say it...try it :) } and i ended up spending probably an hour with my brother in the Rain...ah yes the rain. we had to dodge the swans and then...i actually don't know what took us that long. hm. the swan dodging took more time than you think though. for further notice, the umbrellas worked spectacularly for warding them off! anyway, it was actually kind of fun in the end. after i got out of the wet and looked back on it. but my shoes were so soaked i almost considered walking across their creek instead of taking the long way round, because it wouldnt have made much of a difference. i would have had a really interesting {not in a good way} time if my brother hadnt been there...he was kind and brave enough to be the bait/defense/offense. thankfully, he didnt seem to mind the rain that much. i can always count on him to be sunny happy, even when its gray outside. okay i'm sounding pathetically poetic. so.
so tomorrows school. i cant decide if i'm dissapointed about that or not. i guess i'm neutral. not such a bad place to be, i guess. and, we have star testing on tuesday/wednesday, and yeah that sorta sucks but we get to go to school at 9:50!!! as opposed to 7:35, like normal. so happy!
ok, well, remember how i said i was putting off homework, which included lord of the rings? yeah i have to go do that. at least its raining though so i'm not wishing i could be outside. anyway, enjoy the rain.


Song: Emergency ~ Paramore
step outside the summertime is waiting. no silence can make you stay.

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