Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Possibilities Of Glace a la Vanille

this is shani and emma speaking/writing/blogging...
just had vanilla ice cream with cocao powder and melted blueberries! yum!
so, just so you know, if you take frozen blueberries, melt them and then put them on ice cream its awesome. really really good. try it...really.
Shani: seriously. went to sscreamin' mimi's and had sorbet. well, this was WAY better!
yeah, i think we'll hit the sugar high right about now... wait for it...
no, not here yet. Wow, i just had a great idea! there should be a shop downtown Sebastopol that has really cheap ice cream and you can add all these cool toppings on yourself!
well actually, i think that would be called baskin robbins... but ok. we could make our own.
ha i love how this post went from blogging to the invisible people who read my blog to writing to each other...
fine, well, not exactly an original brainstorm, but...whatever.
Went downtown to get some ice cream
Walked back home beneath the sun beam
We wanted more
So we opened the freezer
There was vanilla galore
A build up of bleezard
Melted some berries
Not red cherries
Sprinkled the snow
With chocolate cocao
And ate the combo
With suprising gusto.
with appetizers of chocolate eggs
that tasted almost seemingly of the spice nutmeg
both of us...
we ate our delectable composition
in admiration of our creative intuition
Afterwards we were content
Knowing our energy was well-spent.
{emma} and {shani}

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