Wednesday, April 7, 2010

In Days Like These

well...its official. i've become obsessive. but thats just me i guess. well as you might be able to tell yesterday i had multiple doses of ice cream, which was awesome. and i found a pair of skinny jeans, which was also awesome. for clarification...i found the skinny jeans in a used clothing store...not in like a dumpster or something. just clarifying. and also, i spent most of the day with my awesome friend shani downtown. it was awesome. do you notice how i'm saying awesome alot? its because i'm just really...awesome. haha, NO. actually, its because i'm just really really tired. but, well, i just woke up. so this is a mystery to me. so last night my brother finally got to see his april fools trick pay off...he filled some beer bottles with coffee and soap and put them in the fridge for my dad to find...his expression was freakin priceless. and now apparently its war.

this is a totally random picture from anthropologie, but i like it, so here it is. and plus i havent posted a picture in a while, and posts are sorta boring without...

i am also in the process of writing a new song. its actually kind of cool; kind of indieish to me...i would post the lyrics on here but i'm paranoid because technically even though i wrote them and theyre mine someone could totally rip me off cause i dont have copyrights. probably not though cause its not like theyre really really good lyrics or anything, but still. so. until further notice i'm going to hold onto them. but anyway. enough about that...
well my break is halfway over already. which is incredibly depressing. for those of you who dont know me i'm the type of person who starts freaking out and getting all nostalgic when any break is anywhere past halfway done. so like right ahh the sun. i love it so much. and i cant wait for summer :D except {and because of this every single one of my friends thinks theres something wrong with me} i sort of like going to school. again, i dont like the idea of school, but i like seeing/meeting people. and seeing them every single day. and highschool's so much better than middle/elementary school. really. but anyway. and i'm going to have my brother teach me how to play bass over the summer, which should be awesome. i already know how to play some the total basics. and i can pretty much read bass clef. and i think we're going to get an acoustic electric bass, so that should be easier to learn on than a stand up. i'm just excited for summer!!
well i have a feeling this is going to be a really long post, so now i'm going to end it. and also i've sort of run out of random irrelevant unimportant things to talk about. so goodbye for now.


Song: Soil, Soil ~ Tegan and Sara


  1. yesterday was so fun! ice creeeeam! show me the song when its done,
    luv you
    Shani {and the other ones}

  2. i know!! it was awesome. when are you leaving for skiing? maybe we could get together or something before then... and yes i will definitely show the song to you once its done. maybe. :) luv you toooo!
