Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Under Summer Sun

i love waking up to sun just shafting through my window...it reminds me of summer. but i can't believe i'm actually up this early...its not normal for me. well anyway, i'm back. monterey was awesome; i kind of wish that we'd had one more day though. our room was really cool...totally posh. and yes, i am terribly immature, but there was an artist's gallery by our hotel and the artist's name was...{wait for it}...Dick Crispy. I'm not even kidding. i cracked up every time i walked past. hows that for maturity, right?
anyway, we were right by the water, and it was really cool because the building our hotel was in was divided by the road, and there were these little tunnel things that went above it that you walked through to the other side. pretty awesome. there was this tiny terrace/balcony off our room, and i sat outside with my guitar trying to write a song while it rained. this girl from the hotel saw me and her and a few of the people she worked with watched me for a minute. it was sort of amazing to play for them, if only really breifly.
we saw the aquarium and we walked cannery row multiple times, it was a good trip. for some reason i like driving, {not even actually driving, sitting while my dad drove} so the drive was awesome too. i found these really awesome purple converse hightops there, but sadly, i didnt get them. i sorta wish i had.
me and my little brother {however he's taller than me so thats debatable} documented like the last 20 minutes of our trip on camera...i'm guessing watching it over again will be really boring until we've totally forgotten about it and we find it again.
so i had this dream last night...sometimes i wonder what is with my mind. so first me and my mom and dad were all shopping for a car for me and i wanted this old volvo but then the brakes didnt work, and then we switched over to we were all at home in the afternoon and theres this noise like a really loud plane and i look out the window and it is a plane, except it freakin huge and its literally on our house. i didnt mind...no worries. the me in my dream wasnt spastic. and didnt freak in appropriate situations. at all. anyway so then the plane leaves and i go out on the deck and i look up on the roof and theres a bomb. and so, tres casual, i go get dad and he looks at it and hes like yeah its a bomb we gotta go. so then i go get a jacket and we all sit down {in the house} and start discussing why someone would put a bomb on our house, and then we finally leave; and then the bomb goes off. switch to we're all under a bridge or an alleyway or something...obviously our house was no more. and thats all i can remember. i'm wondering what this could mean. i doesnt top the george bush dream i had when i was like 8 years old and totally delirious though...it involved him flooding the world. more on that later.... anyway, hopefully i will be doing something interesting today, hopefully walking downtown with mi amiga. fingers crossed. wow i totally rambled for a long time about like absolutely NOTHING. i'm sorry. but it was you that chose to read this, so...i guess i'm still sorry.
anyway, enjoy the sun. i'm going to. :D


Song: The Diary Of Jane ~ Breaking Benjamin

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