Monday, April 26, 2010

One Second More

one word: love. and i think i'm in it.

hello again...and now for part two. { so weird to me for some reason to say that...but anyway. scroll down for part one, i guess. but be warned. this is probably the LONGEST POSTS IN THE ENTIRE HISTORY OF LONG POSTS.}well a few nights ago i had this amazing idea about photography, sort of, more like a i thought i could take a picture, then a picture of that picture, then a picture of a different picture and so on but it would all end up as the same picture in the end, just a picture of a picture of a picture and on and on, so it would never end, it would be like you could just keep looking on forever. and also it would be different pictures of every piece of my life that i love, so it would be like everything important to me in one single photo. however, i got to the first photo, and then i realized it was not actually possible. i mean, you can do it with the same picture, but its just not as good. it still makes sense though in my head, somehow. anyway, i havent given up yet, i will find a way...fingers crossed. i'm really obsessed with photography right now, which is sort of ironic since my camera is broken. for those of you who dont know, i cant seem to be able to keep anything in the realm of ipod, phone, camera, etc either belong to me or in working condition....i break things. or they get stolen. this will be my fourth camera, i'm on my second ipod, and i'm in the process of getting my third phone. and i always lose my wallet, and checks and stuff. but, hopefully i wont get anything more valuable until i can actually keep stuff in my posession :)
also this weekend, i had large amounts of ice cream. p.s. heaven = vanilla ice cream, ground up espresso beans and chocolate powder. i've had it about everyday for the past few days.
to finish this extremely looong post heres some more news...

well, i finally watched the hangover. it totally made me laugh, i loved it.

also, if you are bored or have some free time, watch this...

ok...i'm done. anyway, goodbye for now.

Song: Fade Away ~ Breaking Benjamin

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Pulling Back The Pieces

just a random photograph that is actually mine, barely none of them on here are, but its one i took that i actually like enough to post. :)
whoa, long time no blog! i havent actually had a lot of time in the past few days, but here i am now. so on saturday had the CMEA fest for orchestra, let me say this again, on SATURDAY, which was kind of uncalled for but it wasnt that bad i guess. it was weird being at school when it wasnt school. anyway, we went to mario carillo high to play, and honestly the only problem i had with the whole thing was the fact that we had to wear dresses, and let me just say, it might not have been so bad if, 1., it was not a floor - length black velvet dress, and 2., it was not extremely hot out and in the room where we played. anyway, though, we did superiorly {or however you say that} so that was awesome :D certain things made me smile, too, which i love so much. happyhappy... anyway then i went to a party/old class get together collaboration type thing afterwards which was really cool because i got to see a bunch of people i havent seen for a while and i had actually missed alot :) i had a lot of social timethis weekend which was fantabulous {i heard that word at school today and i think its sort of cool}. every time i say social i think of social distortion now, {isnt that such an amazing band name?} because my dad was talking about on of their concerts that he went to, which i know is entirely random and a definite stretch but its the way my mind works i suppose. i came up with the coolest band name the other day but i cant remeber it now, which makes me sad. it was something like knotted rampage or something, blue rampage maybe? anyway.... speaking of musica concerts we got U2 tickets but, sadly, i cannot go, mainly because they cost a small fortune. but its actually ok, although i will be sad to miss that because i think its going to be a totally awesome concert, because 1., me and my mom are going to do something else fun instead, 2., i have hired my brother to film the whole concert {theorhetically, i doubt his camera has that much memory, but the best parts}, and 3., i am going to see Paramore and Tegan and Sara in september so its not like i am going without no concert at all. i absolutely CANNOT wait for that, it is one of the reasons i want summer to pass. i am almost considering buying a calendar just so i can circle the date like a trillion times with lipstick or something memorable, but i think that might be slightly over obsessive. if i had a calendar already though i would... anyway. hmmm...oh!! i found my purple sweater on ebay!!! i am sooooo happy!! its the one that i wore like all the time until i got robbed, and not only was like all my stuff stolen, but my sweater, jeans and converse were too, and also one of my favorite necklaces my amazing friend gave me for my bday. :( however i had managed to replace everything, ipod, phone {sort of...more on that later}, etc, except my sweater, and now i found it!! see, i originally got it on ebay, so it had that awesome gently worn in/used feeling about it, and so i kept looking for it on ebay but i could never find it, but now i have, and the best part? i won it for $2.50...apparently it was a $54 new sweater, and its still with tags and everything. :DDD those are multiply happy faces by the way :D perhaps i will post a picture of it when i get it. maybe... well...what else new has happened? hm. actually, i think i am going to chop this in half because i can tell this is going to be a Really long post, i will post the other half as soon as i write it. so until a few minutes.

Everything being a constant Carnival...there is no Carnival left...

i just have to say: i am in love with this picture. the colors, the merry go makes me smile. for some reason :) i wish we still had carnivals like this here. lovelovelove. anyway, enjoy the rest of the day, and happy Earth Day. xoxo
love, {emma}

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I Could Really Use A Wish Right Now

isn't this picture awesome? i want my whole world to be like this... like a fairytale. with lollipops hanging from the ceiling. :) courtesy of the amazing anthropologie, by the way.
so today. well not much interesting actually happened, we had star testing {oohhh yeah!! ...not...} :) actually it was better than a 90 minute english class to be honest. however i messed the whole thing by skipping two problems so i had to go back and do the whole thing again. but now its over, so i'm very happy. science tomorrow, and then i'm ACTUALLY done. then i will be VERY happy!! yesterday {or maybe friday, not sure to be perfectly honest, but it doesnt really matter much anyway} we had an all or nothing math test in...math, who knew? and i was, suprise suprise, the one who passed. which actually sorta sucks because 1. my math class probably hates me now, and 2. now i seem like one of those insanely smart kids. which i'm not. and never will be. so.
i had a lovely dream i was raped a few nights ago. fun, right? {this is 100% sarcasm, just so you're clear.} actually it was sort of horrible. it was kind of weird though cause then we had a "health" class in estudiantes sociales, {i.e. sex ed} and they talked a bit about rape and stuff...quelle coinquidink? posible`. that was supposed to be a little spanish accent by the way, but apparently my computer isnt bilingual today. :( oh well.
i believe its supposed to rain today sometime, although the days almost over. but the clouds are amazing right now, maybe i will load some pictures on later. its like giant mountains of gray cotton or something.
aight well i have to go to orchestra practice later {yes, i know this puts me like right up there...its a generic element in the epitomeness of a nerd. oh well. i am who i am right?} :D well enjoy the rain...and i hear its possibly thunder too...yay!! and ps, the title are lyrics to a random song i heard, but i really could use a wish right now. anyway.}
mkay over and out.

Song: Boulevard Of Broken Dreams ~ Green Day

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Ignorance Is Your New Best Friend

well......basically. i have no idea. i feel like everythings ending. schools almost over and then summer will be almost over and its like everythings totally passing by and spinning out of control and no one can even come close to trying to stop it. and with the start of summer ends some particular opportunities...opportunities i dont want to have to lose. so. just had to get that out there.
i'm in a pondering mood right now...thats my nerd word for the day. you know, the word taht pretty much no one else uses in regular conversations, but, being random, you decide to use?? yeah thats the one. anyway... well.
these past two days i've had star testing in school, which yes, sucks greatly, but we got to get to school at 10:05!!! it was so awesome. but, i have to go to school regular time now. and guess what?? me, being me, i had to have two coughing fits during the test...when it was...DEAD silent. and then iwent into the bathroom to get water and of course it has to be an echoey bathroom so i'm guessing everyone on the first floor heard me coughing. so. that was my was anyone elses? :D
so i've recently realized that basically this blog has served as a place where i...complain. and vent. so i'm sorry to anyone reading if i'm annoying you or seeming negative. i will try to be more positive :D
on a positive note, its sunny!
oh and also, i saw The Men Who Stare At Goats {its a movie} and it was so good. i laughed so hard, it was really...good. you should totally see it :) hmmm...and i finally rented the, just to watch it.
mkay well, as usual i ended up blogging {wow i just wrote blooging and had to change it} about NOTHING. but oh well. my life isnt exactly like an action movie or anything but hey. ya know what? i love it anyway. :D au revior.

the Truth never set me Free, the truth never set me free so i'll do it myself.

Song: Forever ~ Papa Roach

Sunday, April 11, 2010


We got a new guitar! so happy :) its so pretty, my dad got it off Craigslist. its a Yamaha, but its a red label Yamaha, which means its pretty 30 or 40 yrs. which makes it even cooler. it sounds really bright and happy and the pegs are all old looking and vintagy. i love. I think i'm gonna name her scarlett probably, because my other one is named indigo. so, slighty nerdy yes i know to name it, but that's who i am. :D anyway...i didn't actually end up blogging yesterday, whatdya know?! actually it was more because nothing interesting happened...i cleaned my room, did math homework, and such. and this morning i forced myself to play my violin for school. joy joy. it actually wasn't that bad, but i would rather play guitar.
anyway, then, guess what, i had to go over and feed the swans and the other aminals {yes i meant to spell it that way, i love how it sounds when you say it...try it :) } and i ended up spending probably an hour with my brother in the Rain...ah yes the rain. we had to dodge the swans and then...i actually don't know what took us that long. hm. the swan dodging took more time than you think though. for further notice, the umbrellas worked spectacularly for warding them off! anyway, it was actually kind of fun in the end. after i got out of the wet and looked back on it. but my shoes were so soaked i almost considered walking across their creek instead of taking the long way round, because it wouldnt have made much of a difference. i would have had a really interesting {not in a good way} time if my brother hadnt been there...he was kind and brave enough to be the bait/defense/offense. thankfully, he didnt seem to mind the rain that much. i can always count on him to be sunny happy, even when its gray outside. okay i'm sounding pathetically poetic. so.
so tomorrows school. i cant decide if i'm dissapointed about that or not. i guess i'm neutral. not such a bad place to be, i guess. and, we have star testing on tuesday/wednesday, and yeah that sorta sucks but we get to go to school at 9:50!!! as opposed to 7:35, like normal. so happy!
ok, well, remember how i said i was putting off homework, which included lord of the rings? yeah i have to go do that. at least its raining though so i'm not wishing i could be outside. anyway, enjoy the rain.


Song: Emergency ~ Paramore
step outside the summertime is waiting. no silence can make you stay.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Don't Mess With Them...Just So You Know

so most people would just assume, most likely, that ok, if a swan is sitting there chilling and eating, maybe you dont wanna get too close to it, but hey if you're...say, maybe 20 feet away it wont try and hurt you right? WRONG. just as a warning, if a swan gets pissed at you, RUN AWAY. i volunteered to feed my neighbors' {who by the way are really nice people} animals while theyre on vacation and this is why i was harassed by a swan. for some reason i seem to have a talent in pissing him off. anyway so i went down there with my mom and my brother and it was all good, i fed the ducks and swans and they were all ok, it was all good. until i tried to leave and the freakin swan started hissing and then, oh joy, he started running after me. ok, so i didnt think the swan would actually follow me and keep following me. but he did, because apparently, he was royally pissed.
and also, i had to go back to make sure i had closed the door, because i'm just a worrier {thats a word right?} like that. and then i found a snake right by my feet. i swear snakes dont freak me out or anything, but for some reason i sorta freaked out a little. not too bad, but lets just say...i've done a bit more screaming today than normal i guess. and i pretty much never scream. so.

also, i made blueberry muffins today, if you're wondering whats with all the random pictures of bluberry muffins. and yes i know i'm a nerd to actually post pictures of them but you know what? only two people as far as i know actually might read this blog, so i'm ok with looking like a nerd at this point. theyre my friends, so i can be a nerd to them anyway. i know i'm going to sound too full of myself, but they were awesome. The muffins. in case you were confused. and i actually did it right, like i didnt even screw up the recipe or anything. which is a first. i swear when i move out i'm going to be one of those people who eats out all the time because they cant cook. hopefully i can have a roommate who either can teach me or just really enjoys to cook for themselves. cam had little faith in me though, apparently he was saying 'oh yeah they'll be good, but you know emma, she'll probably leave out a main ingredient or something'....which sadly isnt unlikely at all. but what can i do? anyway. its technically the last day of break, then onto the weekend. i've sort of just resigned myself to the fact that i will most likely end up blogging everyday til the end of break. and yes, i am slightly obsessed. but otherwise i would be doing homework, which happens to include reading lord of the rings for english and star test practice for math, so i am happy to do anything else. and now i'm going to go play guitar and try to write a song. so until soon. probably more like a few hours. but what can you do? as a last note, seriously, dont mess with a swan that looks like he might be pissed, or is in the process. just saying.


Song: Monsoon ~ Tokio Hotel

The Best Of The Best: Music

Diary Of Jane {Single Version} ~ Breaking Benjamin
Dear Agony ~ Breaking Benjamin
Until The End ~ Breaking Benjamin
Give Me A Sign ~ Breaking Benjamin
Break My Fall ~ Breaking Benjamin
I Will Not Bow ~ Breaking Benjamin
Dance With The Devil ~ Breaking Benjamin
Breath ~ Breaking Benjamin
Fade Away ~ Breaking Benjamin
Unknown Soldier ~ Breaking Benjamin
Had Enough ~ Breaking Benjamin
Shadow Of The Day ~ Linkin Park
New Divide ~ Linkin Park
Valentines Day ~ Linkin Park
Leave Out All The Rest ~ Linkin Park
What I've Done ~ Linkin Park
Hands Held High ~ Linkin Park
In Between ~ Linkin Park
The Little Things Give You Away ~ Linkin Park
Given Up ~ Linkin Park
Monsoon ~ Tokio Hotel
World Behind My Wall ~ Tokio Hotel
Ready, Set, Go! ~ Tokio Hotel
Dark Blue ~ Jack's Mannequin
All Around Me ~ Flyleaf
Forever ~ Papa Roach

Scars ~ Papa Roach
To Be Loved ~ Papa Roach
Boulevard Of Broken Dreams ~ Green Day
21 Guns ~ Green Day
Holiday ~ Green Day
Wake Me Up When September Ends ~ Green Day
Good Riddance ~ Green Day
Viva La Gloria! ~ Green Day
Restless Heart Syndrome ~ Green Day
Before The Lobotomy ~ Green Day
See The Light ~ Green Day
Peacemaker ~ Green Day
Dashboard ~ Modest Mouse
Missed The Boat ~ Modest Mouse
Little Motel ~ Modest Mouse
Parting Of The Sensory ~ Modest Mouse
Fire It Up ~ Modest Mouse
Fences ~ Paramore
We Are Broken ~ Paramore
Let The Flames Begin ~ Paramore
When It Rains ~ Paramore
Ignorance ~ Paramore
Hallelujah ~ Paramore
Decode ~ Paramore
Misery Business ~ Paramore
Conspiracy ~ Paramore
All I Wanted ~ Paramore
Brick By Boring Brick ~ Paramore
Emergency ~ Paramore
Pressure ~ Paramore
Turn It Off ~ Paramore
Misguided Ghosts ~ Paramore
Crushcrushcrush ~ Paramore
Playing God ~ Paramore
Born For This ~ Paramore
Stairway To Heaven ~ Led Zeppelin
The Battle Of Evermore ~ Led Zeppelin
No Quarter ~ Led Zeppelin
What Is And What Should Never Be ~ Led Zeppelin
Over The Hills And Far Away ~ Led Zeppelin
When The Levee Breaks ~ Led Zeppelin
Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You ~ Led Zeppelin
Dazed And Confused ~ Led Zeppelin
Ramble On ~ Led Zeppelin
The Lemon Song ~ Led Zeppelin
Immigration Song ~ Led Zeppelin
Since I've Been Loving You ~ Led Zeppelin
If There's A Rocket Tie Me To It ~ Snow Patrol
Holding On ~ Scary Kids Scaring Kids
Faces ~ Scary Kids Scaring Kids
The Deep End ~ Scary Kids Scaring Kids
Star Crossed ~ Scary Kids Scaring Kids
Watch Me Bleed ~ Scary Kids Scaring Kids
My Darkest Hour ~ Scary Kids Scaring Kids
A Breath Of Sunshine ~ Scary Kids Scaring Kids
Degenerates ~ Scary Kids Scaring Kids
Nineteen ~ Tegan And Sara
The Con ~ Tegan And Sara
Arrow ~ Tegan And Sara
Waking With A Ghost ~ Tegan And Sara
Knife Going In ~ Tegan And Sara
Dark Come Soon ~ Tegan And Sara
Call It Off ~ Tegan And Sara
Hop A Plane ~ Tegan And Sara
Hell ~ Tegan And Sara
Dont Rush ~ Tegan And Sara
Like O, Like H ~ Tegan And Sara
The Ocean ~ Tegan And Sara
On Directing ~ Tegan And Sara
The Cure ~ Tegan And Sara
Dont Rush ~ Tegan And Sara
Floorplan ~ Tegan And Sara
You Wouldnt Like Me ~ Tegan And Sara
Someday ~ Tegan And Sara
Fix You Up ~ Tegan And Sara
I Know I Know I Know ~ Tegan And Sara
Night/Day ~ Mae
The Way We Talk ~ The Maine

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Right Where I Want To Be

So summer...i'm in love.

I really want to travel somewhere right now...i dont know why exactly. random, i guess. these are just some pics from my past 'travels' i guess you could say...more like just different pictures i took. and then some others that are really just random. 'jump off and fly'. so they i right?

somewhere between Seattle and here

This totally awesome music store in Seattle

Somewhere Faraway

Really sweet ice cream shoppe in Ashland

My Love.

This is where i want to be.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

In Days Like These

well...its official. i've become obsessive. but thats just me i guess. well as you might be able to tell yesterday i had multiple doses of ice cream, which was awesome. and i found a pair of skinny jeans, which was also awesome. for clarification...i found the skinny jeans in a used clothing store...not in like a dumpster or something. just clarifying. and also, i spent most of the day with my awesome friend shani downtown. it was awesome. do you notice how i'm saying awesome alot? its because i'm just really...awesome. haha, NO. actually, its because i'm just really really tired. but, well, i just woke up. so this is a mystery to me. so last night my brother finally got to see his april fools trick pay off...he filled some beer bottles with coffee and soap and put them in the fridge for my dad to find...his expression was freakin priceless. and now apparently its war.

this is a totally random picture from anthropologie, but i like it, so here it is. and plus i havent posted a picture in a while, and posts are sorta boring without...

i am also in the process of writing a new song. its actually kind of cool; kind of indieish to me...i would post the lyrics on here but i'm paranoid because technically even though i wrote them and theyre mine someone could totally rip me off cause i dont have copyrights. probably not though cause its not like theyre really really good lyrics or anything, but still. so. until further notice i'm going to hold onto them. but anyway. enough about that...
well my break is halfway over already. which is incredibly depressing. for those of you who dont know me i'm the type of person who starts freaking out and getting all nostalgic when any break is anywhere past halfway done. so like right ahh the sun. i love it so much. and i cant wait for summer :D except {and because of this every single one of my friends thinks theres something wrong with me} i sort of like going to school. again, i dont like the idea of school, but i like seeing/meeting people. and seeing them every single day. and highschool's so much better than middle/elementary school. really. but anyway. and i'm going to have my brother teach me how to play bass over the summer, which should be awesome. i already know how to play some the total basics. and i can pretty much read bass clef. and i think we're going to get an acoustic electric bass, so that should be easier to learn on than a stand up. i'm just excited for summer!!
well i have a feeling this is going to be a really long post, so now i'm going to end it. and also i've sort of run out of random irrelevant unimportant things to talk about. so goodbye for now.


Song: Soil, Soil ~ Tegan and Sara

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Possibilities Of Glace a la Vanille

this is shani and emma speaking/writing/blogging...
just had vanilla ice cream with cocao powder and melted blueberries! yum!
so, just so you know, if you take frozen blueberries, melt them and then put them on ice cream its awesome. really really good. try it...really.
Shani: seriously. went to sscreamin' mimi's and had sorbet. well, this was WAY better!
yeah, i think we'll hit the sugar high right about now... wait for it...
no, not here yet. Wow, i just had a great idea! there should be a shop downtown Sebastopol that has really cheap ice cream and you can add all these cool toppings on yourself!
well actually, i think that would be called baskin robbins... but ok. we could make our own.
ha i love how this post went from blogging to the invisible people who read my blog to writing to each other...
fine, well, not exactly an original brainstorm, but...whatever.
Went downtown to get some ice cream
Walked back home beneath the sun beam
We wanted more
So we opened the freezer
There was vanilla galore
A build up of bleezard
Melted some berries
Not red cherries
Sprinkled the snow
With chocolate cocao
And ate the combo
With suprising gusto.
with appetizers of chocolate eggs
that tasted almost seemingly of the spice nutmeg
both of us...
we ate our delectable composition
in admiration of our creative intuition
Afterwards we were content
Knowing our energy was well-spent.
{emma} and {shani}

Under Summer Sun

i love waking up to sun just shafting through my reminds me of summer. but i can't believe i'm actually up this early...its not normal for me. well anyway, i'm back. monterey was awesome; i kind of wish that we'd had one more day though. our room was really cool...totally posh. and yes, i am terribly immature, but there was an artist's gallery by our hotel and the artist's name was...{wait for it}...Dick Crispy. I'm not even kidding. i cracked up every time i walked past. hows that for maturity, right?
anyway, we were right by the water, and it was really cool because the building our hotel was in was divided by the road, and there were these little tunnel things that went above it that you walked through to the other side. pretty awesome. there was this tiny terrace/balcony off our room, and i sat outside with my guitar trying to write a song while it rained. this girl from the hotel saw me and her and a few of the people she worked with watched me for a minute. it was sort of amazing to play for them, if only really breifly.
we saw the aquarium and we walked cannery row multiple times, it was a good trip. for some reason i like driving, {not even actually driving, sitting while my dad drove} so the drive was awesome too. i found these really awesome purple converse hightops there, but sadly, i didnt get them. i sorta wish i had.
me and my little brother {however he's taller than me so thats debatable} documented like the last 20 minutes of our trip on camera...i'm guessing watching it over again will be really boring until we've totally forgotten about it and we find it again.
so i had this dream last night...sometimes i wonder what is with my mind. so first me and my mom and dad were all shopping for a car for me and i wanted this old volvo but then the brakes didnt work, and then we switched over to we were all at home in the afternoon and theres this noise like a really loud plane and i look out the window and it is a plane, except it freakin huge and its literally on our house. i didnt worries. the me in my dream wasnt spastic. and didnt freak in appropriate situations. at all. anyway so then the plane leaves and i go out on the deck and i look up on the roof and theres a bomb. and so, tres casual, i go get dad and he looks at it and hes like yeah its a bomb we gotta go. so then i go get a jacket and we all sit down {in the house} and start discussing why someone would put a bomb on our house, and then we finally leave; and then the bomb goes off. switch to we're all under a bridge or an alleyway or something...obviously our house was no more. and thats all i can remember. i'm wondering what this could mean. i doesnt top the george bush dream i had when i was like 8 years old and totally delirious involved him flooding the world. more on that later.... anyway, hopefully i will be doing something interesting today, hopefully walking downtown with mi amiga. fingers crossed. wow i totally rambled for a long time about like absolutely NOTHING. i'm sorry. but it was you that chose to read this, so...i guess i'm still sorry.
anyway, enjoy the sun. i'm going to. :D


Song: The Diary Of Jane ~ Breaking Benjamin

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Au Reviour

well, i'm packed, for Monterey. i'll be gone for three days, so au reviour till then. :)


Song: The Con ~ Tegan and Sara

Friday, April 2, 2010

You Lay Awake Just Staring At The Ceiling Above

wow, so i am officially totally out of it right now. and i just realized i'm leaving tomorrow. i'm so stupid sometimes, its embarrassing.... whatever. but i'm finally on break!!! so happy, except the fact that i only get one week while my brother gets two sort of takes away all my glory. i will have to use my time wisely. i know i sound like a total loser, but i actually dont really mind school that much...i mean i hate the idea of school, like we have to spend like the first 14 years of our life in one place? but i love the fact that you see people everyday. and you meet people you otherwise never would have met...poetic, right?
i got totally soaked today...rain. just walking from school i literally got soaked...i freakin couldnt see. i think the people behind me thought i was spastic...
well, my ipod's officially full again...time to take more off. i so wish i could fit all my music on it. but, sadly...i have way too much.
WOW...i was just rereading this and in my mind i combined wisely with total loser and i thought it said wisely toaster. i think i need to sleep or something, my brain isnt functioning great right now. actually, i'm gonna go play guitar instead. something that doesnt require my brain. well...not really.
so i've been trying to figure some things out
you gotta give me time
but if you offered your help
i wouldnt say no
i need you
i need to see you
i could use your help
these are my lyrics, so no one steal them...not that anyone reads this anyway, but i just gotta say that. defending my rights, right?


no way i just realized this is the first april post...makes it slightly more special i guess. not really, but whatever.
bye :D

Song: Nineteen ~ Tegan And Sara