Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Guess what i really like?...yes.

for some unknown reason {not really} i am incredibly happy right now! which is awesome. kind of bizarre though because i have finals in two days...which sucks. but then...summah time!! you have no idea how excited i am. so...a rundown:
musicwise, i am falling back into a led zeppelin/tegan and sara/ janes addiction/breaking benjamin/paramore phase...but i need new music. i literally know all the words to like all the songs i have. any suggestions? :D
i got a led zeppelin shirt!! finally!! and because of today i am officially happier. ...hint...:)
i started a new song today, and i actually really like it, its sort of mellow indieish, i think i'll record it soon, maybe post it one here. i just have to figure out the copyright thing. soon! but i posted some of my songs (finally) on myspace music, i put up a link <-- to the left ;)
um...i have my first voice lesson tomorrow :D i am so excited, and i guess technically i think its going to be a guitar lesson too which is awesome because i really want to learn more on the guitar. i need to learn more or i will keep frustrating myself.
oh, some bad you know how i was going to go see u2 over the summer? well bono had to get emergency surgery so they had to cancel till 2011...which sucks. but. i'm not so extrememly sad because i dont totally love u2, i mean theyre still good but it was more the fray i was going for, and also i still get to see paramore and tegan & sara, so...alls well ;)
but i am in the process of trying to find ani difranco tickets, because she is freakin amazing. not kidding, i think shes like the best guitar player ever, and she's totally sweet live. i really like her music.
and also...i am in love. its true. just had to say...
and...not much else is new i guess. although tomorrow will be awesome because we end all of our classes by lunch and we get our yearbooks, which will be cool but...embarassing. why do they do school pictures in the beginning of the year? everyone changes so much that by the end of the year most everyone hates their school pictures. *ahem* my bangs had just gotten hacked and they are WAY too short, i look like i'm 12. joyjoy, everyone in my entire school can have that lovely picture in their possession for eternity. i will have to show my grandkids. just to show them what a nerd i was :)
anyway, i am going to go study/burn a cd/play guitar/not study so bye for now, enjoy the sun finally after the rain :D
p.s. the pictures remind me so much of <3

Song: Shameless ~ Ani Difranco

Sunday, May 23, 2010

If you couldn't be happier right now, do you ever need me?

i dont know how youll react, creating want by holding back, some reverse parallel maniac, let me try, now baby try
i am in indecision. i am stuck in between my fears and my pride and i'm tying myself down. how do i put myself somewhere where he can reach me? if i had a wish, i know what it would be.
anyway, had a fantastic weekend, on thursday i had mucho sugar & some interesting conversations. me and one of my awesomest friends ditched a period, and no one believed us when we came back. spent way too long discussing the meaning of all around the mulberry bush. i am still confused. then spent the next two days with mis amigas, two suprise parties and sleepover. pretty freakin sweet :)

me and maia...i miss you maia!!

the end of thursday {well the end to me} made everything so much better. and made my day. possibly my week.
overall a pretty sweet three days.
and now...sunday.

i brought my window up and down, i turned my back where you'd been, life pull through where you might had been, let me try, let me begin, let me be your heroin, let me sin is your love a sin, let me be your heroin
we have crossed the road to come, the ship will wash up the rudder gone, the rafts are floating but im holding on, let me try now baby let me try

let me be your heroin.

anyway i'm going to go contemplate.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Always Thinking

this is basically one of my favorite pictures. p.s. there might be copyright on this, it IS NOT MINE. but i love it, so i'm 'featuring' it.

the rain reminds me of thousands of pieces of glass falling from the sky. i love the rain, when i can be inside and warm. or i'm in the mood to be wet. oh, i got a camera :) its awesome...and its purple which just makes it that much better. its so nice having my own camera again, now i can finally start taking pictures. i found the coolest website... just look at it theres some of the awesomest photography.
aaand i got a led zeppelin tshirt!! its pretty sweet, its just black and its got the swan song on it. fingers crossed it'll fit.
so last friday i had a sub teacher who told us he was woody sub. ever. basically i spent the entire class listening to him tell people about music, and bob marley in concert, and the history of raggae and lots of other stuff.
so i am now officially taking voice lessons!! im so excited, we found an awesome voice teacher right close to my house and right downtown, shes crazy nice and she plays guitar too so she said she could help me and teach me more stuff, because i've sort of run into a brick wall with my guitar playing. i know chords, but thats basically it... anyway and she said she'd help me get into venues when i'm ready to play live or in front of people at some point. she was really nice, and she has the coolest house. no joke...i want a house just like that. actually, i havent taken a lesson yet, but i met with her and my first lesson is in about a week. i'm so excited!!
mkay, well thats about all the news i can think of right now, i'm sure there's more but my brother is bothering me to give him the computer so i must end this. anyway, later.
Song: Skinny Love ~ Bon Iver

Thursday, May 13, 2010

She's got a homemade sign.

i believe this is courtesy of Allessandra Maggioni Photography, check out her website, her photos are amazing.
how long must we wait for this, long must we wait for this?
i had to do this award thing today for my school today, a bunch of people got chosen to be given awards for certain classes, and joy of all joys, i was chosen. i woulndt have minded that much except we had to get up on stage in front of everyone. which i hate. but anyway, me and a few friends were there waiting to be called up onstage and we were kind of joking about how we would probably trip on the way up, and when my name was called, guess who tripped on the steps up to the front of everyone? haha, sometimes i crack myself up. i literally almost started laughing at the irony. :) anyway, after that it was all good. at least its over with so i no longer have the opportunity to embarrass myself :)

i actually had a pretty good day today, considering it started out reasonably crappy.

i have come to the depressing conclusion that i am scarily good at hurting feelings. and just making people mad at me in general. mostly my parents, and sometimes i hate myself for that. phases.

in other news i actually am going to see U2, becuase we saw It might get loud, with jimmy page, jack white {from the white stripes and the raconteurs...i love him} and the edge from u2 and it showed footage from some past u2 concerts and we pretty much decided that the concert was too {epic} to miss.

also check out the rain song by led zeppelin, its one of my favorite songs right now. i'm in love. ...and...not just with the song.
Stop crying to the ocean, stop crying over me.
Stop worrying over nothing, stop worrying over me.
So it's been so long since you said,
Well I know what I want and what I want's right here with you.

love tegan and sara <3

well i have to go finish mi tarea and get some long awaited sleep.


Saturday, May 8, 2010

This Is a One Track Life

i know this picture is completely random, but it reminds me of summer. and i am liking that. kudos to anthropologie.

hello. so it seems like time is flying. am i the only one? anyway.
so this week has been sort of awesome, certain moments especially. so this fiday was fantastically good, after school me and some of mi amigos hung out after school and then saw...iron man 2. it was actually pretty friggin awesome, i thought it was better than the first. but thats just me. and it was really cool because i heard on the radio that morning to stay until after the credits because there was something cool at the end, so we did and after basically ten minutes of credits there was a tiny part of the third one. it was totally cool because it was just us and two other guys, so we saw what most people didnt. it was pretty awesome. an extrememly long wait though. if there hadnt been anything at the end, i would have been extrememly pissed. anyway then i slept over at my friends house and we all watched monsters inc...which i have to say i actually sort of love. we found an old journal we had passed around between a few of my friends and we looked at it...its so cute. i was such a nerd though, it was sort of embarrassing. i'm just glad it was from three years ago so i can say i was alot different back then. :D and then tonite im going over to my aunt and uncles casa, which should be cool except im sooo tired. and i happen to have mounds of homework. but oh well, its been a pretty decent weekend so far and i'm only about a quarter through. so hmmm...what else has happened...? hate to say not much, but its truth.
actually {this isnt terribly interesting} but i found a new band i really like, basically just a few minutes ago, called Crossfade. theyre really good, they actually sound alot like breaking benjamin who i love, so i'm kind of liking them.
also i really want to go to the beach soon, it just seems like the perfect place to be right now. and take really pretty pictures too. :)
anyway i must go now, but until later,

Sunday, May 2, 2010

If You Want To Live High, Live High

objects in mirror and my camera...

well...i literally feel like its been years since i've posted last, even though its only really been 6 days. so much has happened, good and not so good, and much i cant put up here on my blog because 1., its completely public, which i still find sort of creepy, and 2., some of its not my right to share. lets just say its been an eventful weekend. had an interesting friday with a few of my amazing friends, and then had a really good and my mom and my aunt hung out in downtown novato and got lunch and saw date night. i sort of loved it. and also i went on a quest for purple ductape, to no avail. i got some amazing orange tictacs though, of which i think i ate half the box in a few hours. i realized it was the first time i had bought tictacs, at least that i remember. i am now no longer a tictac purchase virgin.


and more trees...!!

and me and my mom went to this makeup store and tried on a bunch of makeup. i'm not really into stores like that, mainly bcause practically everyone in there were snobbish, over fake looking women who totally gave you the up and down if you werent wearing foundation an inch thick. anyway, i got purple eyeliner though, so i guess it was worth it in a way.


also, just something i found out, and have been slowly realizing is that caffiene doesnt affect me. at least i dont think it does, i think it makes me more tired. is that possible? i've been drinking TONS of tea lately and eating coffee {long story} and i swear i am no more awake than normal. i am wondering what this is about :D
and i saw charlie bartlett last night!! its a movie by the way, i just realized it could be taken literally. anyway i really liked it, and also i saw nick and norahs infinite playlist finally :) i like it, and i love the soundtrack too.

hehe...izze and my converse{s}?
oh, just as a note, these are actually all my pictures!! i know theyre not great or anything but its a start. anyway, so all the blogs i've seen with pictures on them say not to take them without asking, so i'm going to say the same thing. just in case...although i doubt its necessary :)

are you liking my abstractwannabe tictac pictures?
anyway, i'm sure theres more stuff i could blogg about, but i happen to have a spanish and a science test tomorrow, so must be going. au revior <3>