Saturday, May 8, 2010

This Is a One Track Life

i know this picture is completely random, but it reminds me of summer. and i am liking that. kudos to anthropologie.

hello. so it seems like time is flying. am i the only one? anyway.
so this week has been sort of awesome, certain moments especially. so this fiday was fantastically good, after school me and some of mi amigos hung out after school and then saw...iron man 2. it was actually pretty friggin awesome, i thought it was better than the first. but thats just me. and it was really cool because i heard on the radio that morning to stay until after the credits because there was something cool at the end, so we did and after basically ten minutes of credits there was a tiny part of the third one. it was totally cool because it was just us and two other guys, so we saw what most people didnt. it was pretty awesome. an extrememly long wait though. if there hadnt been anything at the end, i would have been extrememly pissed. anyway then i slept over at my friends house and we all watched monsters inc...which i have to say i actually sort of love. we found an old journal we had passed around between a few of my friends and we looked at it...its so cute. i was such a nerd though, it was sort of embarrassing. i'm just glad it was from three years ago so i can say i was alot different back then. :D and then tonite im going over to my aunt and uncles casa, which should be cool except im sooo tired. and i happen to have mounds of homework. but oh well, its been a pretty decent weekend so far and i'm only about a quarter through. so hmmm...what else has happened...? hate to say not much, but its truth.
actually {this isnt terribly interesting} but i found a new band i really like, basically just a few minutes ago, called Crossfade. theyre really good, they actually sound alot like breaking benjamin who i love, so i'm kind of liking them.
also i really want to go to the beach soon, it just seems like the perfect place to be right now. and take really pretty pictures too. :)
anyway i must go now, but until later,

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