Monday, May 17, 2010

Always Thinking

this is basically one of my favorite pictures. p.s. there might be copyright on this, it IS NOT MINE. but i love it, so i'm 'featuring' it.

the rain reminds me of thousands of pieces of glass falling from the sky. i love the rain, when i can be inside and warm. or i'm in the mood to be wet. oh, i got a camera :) its awesome...and its purple which just makes it that much better. its so nice having my own camera again, now i can finally start taking pictures. i found the coolest website... just look at it theres some of the awesomest photography.
aaand i got a led zeppelin tshirt!! its pretty sweet, its just black and its got the swan song on it. fingers crossed it'll fit.
so last friday i had a sub teacher who told us he was woody sub. ever. basically i spent the entire class listening to him tell people about music, and bob marley in concert, and the history of raggae and lots of other stuff.
so i am now officially taking voice lessons!! im so excited, we found an awesome voice teacher right close to my house and right downtown, shes crazy nice and she plays guitar too so she said she could help me and teach me more stuff, because i've sort of run into a brick wall with my guitar playing. i know chords, but thats basically it... anyway and she said she'd help me get into venues when i'm ready to play live or in front of people at some point. she was really nice, and she has the coolest house. no joke...i want a house just like that. actually, i havent taken a lesson yet, but i met with her and my first lesson is in about a week. i'm so excited!!
mkay, well thats about all the news i can think of right now, i'm sure there's more but my brother is bothering me to give him the computer so i must end this. anyway, later.
Song: Skinny Love ~ Bon Iver

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