Thursday, May 13, 2010

She's got a homemade sign.

i believe this is courtesy of Allessandra Maggioni Photography, check out her website, her photos are amazing.
how long must we wait for this, long must we wait for this?
i had to do this award thing today for my school today, a bunch of people got chosen to be given awards for certain classes, and joy of all joys, i was chosen. i woulndt have minded that much except we had to get up on stage in front of everyone. which i hate. but anyway, me and a few friends were there waiting to be called up onstage and we were kind of joking about how we would probably trip on the way up, and when my name was called, guess who tripped on the steps up to the front of everyone? haha, sometimes i crack myself up. i literally almost started laughing at the irony. :) anyway, after that it was all good. at least its over with so i no longer have the opportunity to embarrass myself :)

i actually had a pretty good day today, considering it started out reasonably crappy.

i have come to the depressing conclusion that i am scarily good at hurting feelings. and just making people mad at me in general. mostly my parents, and sometimes i hate myself for that. phases.

in other news i actually am going to see U2, becuase we saw It might get loud, with jimmy page, jack white {from the white stripes and the raconteurs...i love him} and the edge from u2 and it showed footage from some past u2 concerts and we pretty much decided that the concert was too {epic} to miss.

also check out the rain song by led zeppelin, its one of my favorite songs right now. i'm in love. ...and...not just with the song.
Stop crying to the ocean, stop crying over me.
Stop worrying over nothing, stop worrying over me.
So it's been so long since you said,
Well I know what I want and what I want's right here with you.

love tegan and sara <3

well i have to go finish mi tarea and get some long awaited sleep.


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