Saturday, June 5, 2010

There's so many things i wish i had said, but now it's too late.

exeryone who sees this thinks its me, does this look at all like me?? i mean im flattered i guess, but she looks nothing like me... oh well. just had to put something here to explain why i put it up here in the first place. so here it is.

so this week has been sort of amazing. i am out of school. finally! but you know what depresses me, because i know its completely twisted? im sort of glad that summer's short. i mean really, what the hells wrong with me? i dont know a single person ever who agrees. i do have a reason though, to see...someone. so. my friends still make fun of me though, no matter how much i try and justify my reasons.
also, i had a freakin fantastic last three days. so. thursday was my last day of school, i had to get through a math final, but orchestra was really...kind of fun. then after school i got five bucks from my pe teacher, then we all went downtown and pretty much just hung out, got food, free cookies, looked at wallets, i bought a tea, which no one else understands why i like tea, got green tea starbucks and smoothies, almost commited the act of trespassing, {haha, arent we such rebels?}, had an interesting time trying to keep earphones in our ears while walking on the highway, and i was just awesome. then a few of us had to go play at the senior graduation, which was so loooooooooonnnnggggg. but me and one of my amazingest friends pretty much just talked most of the time so it was still fun. i have a question for anyone who ever reads this and if you have an answer just comment, have you ever heard of throwing tortillas at a graduation? or is that just my weird school? cause i swear to god there were like tortillas flying. everywhere. even some of the teachers were throwing them. i was so confused. and then...i didnt get to say goodbye.

isnt this totally sweet? this is actually my picture, i'm so proud :) i know its kida really cheesy but i found the idea on this website and i had to try it...isnt it kind of awesome?

so i borrowed my mom's phone because mine broke again and i was texting a bit on it and then i got home and...heres the convo...{i'm just going to try this out :) }
mi madre: you havent been texting on my phone right?
me: um. maybe. ?
mm: like how much?
me: um. not too much, like...20 texts. {i even rounded down, it was more like 24.}
mm: you're kidding right?
me: no...not so much.
mm: well my plan doesnt cover texts so youre probably going to have to pay for some of them...
me: k how much?
mm: i think like 2 bucks a text.
me: shit :0
haha yeh i dunno how well that whole dialogo thing really worked but oh was sorta fun! anyway yeah, i am now officially in major debt. oh!!! by the way, i got an ipod!!! i mean i already have one but i had way too much music and i couldnt fit it all on so i got a classic, its pretty cool. its just black, but yeah. im happy :)
so...what else is new? hm... haha ok so i found out i got a C on my math final and a C- on my science final. which sort of depresses me and is also sort of ironic, because i thought i actually did ok. but now im really scared to find out how i did on my social studies because i literally BSed like half of it. my fingers are crossed though...

i love strawberries. so. freakin. much.
another highlight of my week: so we had our last pe class, which is a highlight all in itself, but we were playing ultimate frisbee {dont laugh} and the guys on our team were totally making fun of me and my friends and we were just kind of not caring but my pe teacher gestures me over to her and says emma, you need to tell them to shut the fxxk up, use bigger words!! big words are good!! tell them, i am asking you to!! so i actually did later, but i dont think they heard me. or maybe one of them did he just probably thought he heard wrong...dumbass. anyway that totally made my day.
so...anyway so then yesterday me and two of my friends had another sleepover, i made them come with me to this beatles tribute thing at this vintage clothing store right by my house at night, we showed up and we didnt know anybody so we walked downtown and then came back, said hi, then left and saw a movie. i was pretty sad, actually. and i felt really lame too. but anyway...
we saw letter to juliet. it was...good. it was sweet but it was so totally cheesy, oh my god. i was cracking up in all the wrong parts. my friend kept looking over at me and i was laughing so hard i started crying except she thought i was reallycrying, and she was like emma, its not that sad. the guy in it was so akward though. it was totally awesome though, there were like two other people in the whole theater.
anyway, that has been my past few days, i'm in love with summer so far. but i'm also sad.
well...this was a dissapointment. i guess i wasnt really expecting anything, that would have been unreal. but i was wishing. maybe i didnt stay long enough for the wish to come true, who knows. i can dream, right?
anyway, i think thats pretty much it!!
oh by the way, all the pictures are actually mine this time, the picture of the girl is a picture of a picture i got from a really good seller on ebay, so i cant take credit for the actual picture. the picture of the picture though is mine...sorry i'm being so confusing.
ps. i'm in love with this...and i can totally smell the summer<3

1 comment:

  1. They threw tortillas at our graduation too!!!! I thought my school was just weird!!!! And I almost went to that beatles thing, but I was too tired!!! We have to hang out and soon!!!!!
