Monday, June 14, 2010

The days they fall like rain.

well i'm officially onto my second week of summer. and its going by sooo slow. it might be because i've been busy pretty much every day since summer. not today though...i can sleep.
so. i went over to my friends housitting job and slept over there, they have the coolest house ever. i seriously want to live there. it was amazingly fun though, we went in the hottub and fed the horses and donkeys and watched a movie on their projector and made dinner...i felt so productive. :D we went on a walk just up the road...had a little run in with a lizard. so it was right in front of us, and my friend stopped walking cause she saw it, but i thought it was a stick, so i turned around and was like why is she staring at a stick, and then i saw it...i dont barely ever scream or freak out really. that lizard saw a side to me most dont have the pleasure of seeing. aaand there was this freakin HUGE spider on the floor when we got back {i didnt really freak this time} but anyway. dont you just love nature? wow, that makes me sound like a total city girl, but dont worry i'm not, i live definitely in the country and i totally adore it.
but anyway. that was really fun, and then the next day i went to the harmony festival. i kind of love that festival, it kind of attracts the core of weirdness where we live. there was a guy as we were getting in dressed in a pink fur jumpsuit overall thing, he kept telling me 'here just give me your email and i can email you about another festival', i was actually i'm not going to, sorry...he just gave me a card instead. it was about trees. then this other guy was walking past and i was wearing a led zeppelin shirt and he was all 'nice! led zeppelin...where'd you get that shirt?' i said ebay, he was like 'right on!' i was like suuuuure...anyway once you get past the...interesting...attire, or lack of, its awesome. there was really good music and they actually have really good food there. the other thing about the harmony fest, which is sort of inevitable is that its a total weedfest. which i dont mind but then people were smoking cigarettes too which for some reason bother me so by the end of the day i had the worst headache ever from the cigarette smoke. but i got to see my friend dance, which was awesome! and we were part of a painting too, it was pretty awesome :) its a pretty even list of pros and cons though, it was so hot, and plus tickets were $40. so i dunno...i'm not trying to complain here or anything, just trying to figure out if i'll go next year. i probably will unless the ticket price goes up.
then yesterday we had a family day which didnt end soo we went to the beach yesterday evening, and my little brother brought his skim board. he spent about ten minutes trying to just get on it and then slipped and fell and broke his arm. i have it on video, its actually sort of funny....he was laughing at it too, so dont think i'm a mean sister. we didnt know it was broken until he went to the doctor that night, so now he's in a full cast. he's not taking it too badly, he made sure we all knew he couldnt do ANY work. so. :)
well i can tell this has been a thoroughly boring post, but i think i'm in kind of a bad mood, so i'm really sorry. i promise my next post will be better :)
over and out.

1 comment:

  1. My brother broke his arm too. But you probably already know that and he does exactly the same thing. My brother actually jumped out of a tree and ran into a pole and broke his arm, so yeah... I kinda laughed... but not in a mean way(:
