Thursday, June 17, 2010

You catch a flame to my sentimental view.

so last night i fell asleep listening to my ipod and i woke up at 2:00 am with the earbud cord wrapped twice around my neck. my subconcious mostly asleep brain thought it was a noose for half of a second. sometimes i wonder if there's something with my head...
so. the past few days have been...pretty much uneventful. so far. i've been playing a lot of music and getting a niiiice amount of sleep. so its all good. i went over to my friend's house yesterday, we just hung out and pretty much did nothing...listening to music, played my guitar and tried to sing, {we were kinda good actually} watched a tv show and made these amazing cookies. try it, its just brownie mix smothered on a cookie tray. i love that while doing nothing you can totally have fun. i did at least. oh and i finally watched sherlock holmes today. finally. see i have this thing where i NEVER see movies when everyone else sees them, its usually like a year after everyone was into it. so i actually made pretty good time with this took me like three years to see public enemies and atonement, which both were amazing, by the way. anyway, for some reason i sort of really like sherlock holmes. so...yah. just thought i'd put that out there. also, just another random peice of current news in my boring little life...i'm kinda into nirvana right now. so.
anyway i'm going to go watch...transformers right now, for the trillionth time. dont judge me. please.

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