Wednesday, March 31, 2010

When It Rains

i fell asleep to the sound of the pouring rain last night. it was awesome.
so, today. i was going to dress gothicly but i ended up not...sadly. it would have been cool. oh well. but anyway, it made me realize i need a band shirt. i know that sounds sort of lame, but its something everybody needs, really. i really want to find like a greenday or a led zeppelin one, but i'm wondering if people will think i'm a wannabe... i'm not i swear. led zepplin kicks all ass. my dad used to have a led zeppelin shirt, i wish he had kept it it would be so awesome, like an old vintage led zeppelin tee. so awesome.
so, in honor of the fact that i will be out of school for break in one day, i am procrastinating...even though i have a science exam and a spanish test tomorrow. so! fun stuff, right?? by the way, to anyone that ever ends up reading this, you have to look up the band Scary Kids Scaring Kids... i'm falling in love. theyre so incredibly good, i've literally been listening to them nonstop for like this whole week. theyre like good screamo...semi oxymoronic, but i love them :) yee...i love their lyrics...
if the stars say that you cannot love me
are you telling me that you would listen
if the words make their way from your mouth
dont ask my permission
all is forgiven
and so i am Star Crossed...but not just with them.

Song: Holding On ~ Scary Kids Scaring Kids

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