Saturday, March 20, 2010

Future Awesomeness

hello. so, ok, i know i'm posting within like 12 hours of my last post, but i promise i wont be this obsessive as time goes on...hopefully. its just the newness of it, and its pretty freaking cool. so i have news: so my parents (mostly my mom) have decided to go to europe, not this summer but probably next summer, which means...Greece!!! i'm so excited its not even funny. i think if i like it there i might live there for a year or so or be a foreign exchange student. it might be a slight problem though because with all this hot weather we've been having i've decided i'm not really into it, i mean you cant even wear jeans without basically dying. and i'm not liking that. so...

but then again i could live right on the coast where there's all those awesome rainbow colored houses (-->) and then i could just swim whenever i wanted :) it would be so freaking awesome. i really want to live in Portland and Seattle too though, so i might be doing a fair amount of traveling...which honestly? would be TOTALLY ok by me. other future awesomeness is that we (being me and mi familia) are going to see U2 in concert in May, and guess whos opening for them?? ...the Fray! its gonna be so cool, we just better find tickets or we cant go...obviously. i'm not like a diehard fan of U2, but i think one of their concerts would be pretty {epic} to see. {sorry, its the only word i could think of, but yes, i'm not really into when people say that to describe like...EVERYTHING.} anyway... and the fray, of course, will always be awesome to see. so yee...not much else interesting to blog about. it sounds really (haha wow i accidentally just wrote bog and had to change it.) see? the names no good. i mean come on, they could have totally come up with a better name, the...blogger creating...people? anyway, until...soon,

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