Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Little Things Give Me Away, i'm currently obsessing over Linkin Park and Breaking Benjamin...even though i've loved them for a long time. it would be such an awesome concert if it was like a double with them both. i wish... and it sounds like there's a fairly big possibility that i might be going to see the Paramore concert!! i'm so freakin excited, i cant wait. {yayayay}
different subject...i know this probably isnt as awesome for anyone else, but we have to run timed miles in PE and yeserday i had to run my last one and beat my time...otherwise i'd have to run another one...and i got a 7:45 mile. i'm so happy, because i beat my time by like 30 seconds or something, cause the time i had to beat was 8:18. so...i'm happy.
ooohhh....i would do alot to see Linkin Park in concert...{i'm listening to them right now, which is why i'm having like these little bursts of inspiration}. its the type of music that in the right mood it could totally make me cry, but also it can make me smile so big. i love them so much :D ok, new song...
i wish...i sort of wish blogs werent public, or maybe just certain posts, because i have so much to say; but theres no way to remain anonymous. i'll try to explain...vaguely.
basically everyday i sit there and watch from afar, and nothing can happen that way. people are always telling me to put myself out there and that good things will happen if i do, and i guess i'm realizing that the only way i can get closer is to let go. the problem is that naturally i'm a basically quiet person, and how can i be someone i'm not? i want something to happen, truthfully, but i don't know what to change. yesterday two papers came for just the two of us and that fact made me smile. i need to make a change, or i'm never going to get anywhere. fact.
i'm sorry that the last paragraph sounded like parts of a sappy love song or something, i dont know how else to write without giving everything away, and if someone read this blog they would have no idea who/what i'm talking about. so, s'all good.
anyway, good bye for this day...


Song: Hands Held High ~ Linkin Park

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