Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sundays Love Laces

well...i'm back. again. ok, so in my defense, i'm really bored, so i needed something to do, and also, its sunday, so i'm...really bored. hate sundays. and also i'm trying to put off math homework as much as possible. so. here i am, writing about NOTHING. aren't i an interesting person. ok, i'm just going to keep this short i guess, but isn't this picture cool?? they have a t-shirt like this and i'm trying to find it on ebay... i wish i had taken this picture, but i didnt, found it on google images. actually it might be someones actual picture, who knows... ok, well, if anyone even reads my posts, i'm going to stop boring you and go play guitar instead. over and out. :)


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