i fell asleep to the sound of the pouring rain last night. it was awesome.
so, today. i was going to dress gothicly but i ended up not...sadly. it would have been cool. oh well. but anyway, it made me realize i need a band shirt. i know that sounds sort of lame, but its something everybody needs, really. i really want to find like a greenday or a led zeppelin one, but i'm wondering if people will think i'm a wannabe... i'm not i swear. led zepplin kicks all ass. my dad used to have a led zeppelin shirt, i wish he had kept it it would be so awesome, like an old vintage led zeppelin tee. so awesome.
so, in honor of the fact that i will be out of school for break in one day, i am procrastinating...even though i have a science exam and a spanish test tomorrow. so! fun stuff, right?? by the way, to anyone that ever ends up reading this, you have to look up the band Scary Kids Scaring Kids... i'm falling in love. theyre so incredibly good, i've literally been listening to them nonstop for like this whole week. theyre like good screamo...semi oxymoronic, but i love them :) yee...i love their lyrics...
if the stars say that you cannot love me
are you telling me that you would listen
if the words make their way from your mouth
dont ask my permission
all is forgiven
and so i am Star Crossed...but not just with them.
Song: Holding On ~ Scary Kids Scaring Kids
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
My Mind Has Lost Direction, Somehow
so...sorta crappy monday to be honest. whatever, cant expect too much from a monday anyway, right? i recorded another song yesterday, i think its my best recording yet, but i still need to figure out how to post stuff {music} on here. also, the whole copyright issue... i heard that all you have to do is to mail whatever it is to yourself and then you have all rights to it, but i'm not exactly sure bout that. anyway. today we watched Red Asphalt in social studies. not exactly my idea of a good time. ...it was so depressing. and totally intense. the people were dead, but not just dead, they were gone beyond return. they were totally broken, like they were bent in half. i dont know whats wrong with me, but the goriness and blood didnt really bother me that much. the thing that got me was those people were real, and they were dead. and they were never coming back. so freakin horrible.
today i got told by a sub teacher...i was 'a quiet person'. i'm not sure...if this is a good thing or not. for me, anyway. again its that 'good things will happen if you just let them come' thing. i hate the fact that i'm 'a quiet person'. but how exactly do you change who you are? let me know if anyone figures that out, k? ...i sound really bitter...but i'm not. not really. just wish some things were different than they are.
i swear i thought i had something else to say, but i guess i either forgot or there wasnt anything in the first place. hmmm. i hate it when that happens!! ohwell... if it comes to me i'll just edit it in.
k well thats Enough For Now ...going to go to bass lessons {my brothers} :) and then watching Finding Neverland, so au revior for now...
Song: Hands Held High ~ Linkin Park
today i got told by a sub teacher...i was 'a quiet person'. i'm not sure...if this is a good thing or not. for me, anyway. again its that 'good things will happen if you just let them come' thing. i hate the fact that i'm 'a quiet person'. but how exactly do you change who you are? let me know if anyone figures that out, k? ...i sound really bitter...but i'm not. not really. just wish some things were different than they are.
i swear i thought i had something else to say, but i guess i either forgot or there wasnt anything in the first place. hmmm. i hate it when that happens!! ohwell... if it comes to me i'll just edit it in.
k well thats Enough For Now ...going to go to bass lessons {my brothers} :) and then watching Finding Neverland, so au revior for now...
Song: Hands Held High ~ Linkin Park
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Are You Happy Now? Yes, Yes I Am.

i'm going to see Paramore!!! i'm SO happy/excited, you have no idea :) i can't wait. we just bought the tickets this morning, and suprisingly, they were extemely cheap...like $35 each. which for Paramore is pretty cheap. i'm so happy!! i dont usually write with this many exclamation marks, i promise, so this is how happy i am. i cant wait till September. joyfulness all around. except, i have tons of homework. ugh....mostly math. i guess its my penance for dozing while babysitting last night instead of doing homework. i never actually fell asleep, but i kept like closing my eyes and then jolting awake again...i swear someone should have filmed it or something i probably looked like an idiot. it was weird though, i kept hearing little tapping noises...it wasnt exactly scary, but it was sort of odd... i guess it was prbably just one of their animals. so yesterday, i was sitting in the car at Whole Foods {i didnt want to get out of the car cause my hair was soaked cause we both went and got haircuts} waiting for my madre and i saw this guy outside sitting on a bench and all i could think of was: oompaloompa...however you spell that. you know, the little guys from Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory? he didnt have like green hair or anything, he just sort of had a certain look... not in a bad way, really. whatever, i'm going to move onto a different subject now. because i think i'm being overly random. but thats just me. so its just one week until spring break, i cant wait for that either. we are going to monterrey for a few days, which should be awesome. hopefully its not raining though, because that could cast a depressing *aura* on the whole thing. i think we're going to go kyaking though, not with our kyak, but still; if we went in the bay it would be totally cool. and honestly, probably the thing i'm looking most forward to is this ice cream shoppe down there: its really good ice cream and they have this thing where theres one size thats like if you can eat it you dont have to pay...not that i would ever get that but still...for some reason that factor makes me like the place more. :) ok, well, i'm being called to eat breakfast, so farewell for now.
Song: I Will Not Bow ~ Breaking Benjamin
Saturday, March 27, 2010
The Little Things Give Me Away
hola...so, i'm currently obsessing over Linkin Park and Breaking Benjamin...even though i've loved them for a long time. it would be such an awesome concert if it was like a double with them both. i wish... and it sounds like there's a fairly big possibility that i might be going to see the Paramore concert!! i'm so freakin excited, i cant wait. {yayayay}
different subject...i know this probably isnt as awesome for anyone else, but we have to run timed miles in PE and yeserday i had to run my last one and beat my time...otherwise i'd have to run another one...and i got a 7:45 mile. i'm so happy, because i beat my time by like 30 seconds or something, cause the time i had to beat was 8:18. so...i'm happy.
ooohhh....i would do alot to see Linkin Park in concert...{i'm listening to them right now, which is why i'm having like these little bursts of inspiration}. its the type of music that in the right mood it could totally make me cry, but also it can make me smile so big. i love them so much :D ok, new song...
i wish...i sort of wish blogs werent public, or maybe just certain posts, because i have so much to say; but theres no way to remain anonymous. i'll try to explain...vaguely.
basically everyday i sit there and watch from afar, and nothing can happen that way. people are always telling me to put myself out there and that good things will happen if i do, and i guess i'm realizing that the only way i can get closer is to let go. the problem is that naturally i'm a basically quiet person, and how can i be someone i'm not? i want something to happen, truthfully, but i don't know what to change. yesterday two papers came for just the two of us and that fact made me smile. i need to make a change, or i'm never going to get anywhere. fact.
i'm sorry that the last paragraph sounded like parts of a sappy love song or something, i dont know how else to write without giving everything away, and if someone read this blog they would have no idea who/what i'm talking about. so, s'all good.
anyway, good bye for this day...
Song: Hands Held High ~ Linkin Park
different subject...i know this probably isnt as awesome for anyone else, but we have to run timed miles in PE and yeserday i had to run my last one and beat my time...otherwise i'd have to run another one...and i got a 7:45 mile. i'm so happy, because i beat my time by like 30 seconds or something, cause the time i had to beat was 8:18. so...i'm happy.
ooohhh....i would do alot to see Linkin Park in concert...{i'm listening to them right now, which is why i'm having like these little bursts of inspiration}. its the type of music that in the right mood it could totally make me cry, but also it can make me smile so big. i love them so much :D ok, new song...
i wish...i sort of wish blogs werent public, or maybe just certain posts, because i have so much to say; but theres no way to remain anonymous. i'll try to explain...vaguely.
basically everyday i sit there and watch from afar, and nothing can happen that way. people are always telling me to put myself out there and that good things will happen if i do, and i guess i'm realizing that the only way i can get closer is to let go. the problem is that naturally i'm a basically quiet person, and how can i be someone i'm not? i want something to happen, truthfully, but i don't know what to change. yesterday two papers came for just the two of us and that fact made me smile. i need to make a change, or i'm never going to get anywhere. fact.
i'm sorry that the last paragraph sounded like parts of a sappy love song or something, i dont know how else to write without giving everything away, and if someone read this blog they would have no idea who/what i'm talking about. so, s'all good.
anyway, good bye for this day...
Song: Hands Held High ~ Linkin Park
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Blue Is The Color

so, as a change of subject, i finally saw 2012 and Where the Wild Things Are. 2012 was pretty awesome, but i still cant decide if i liked Where the Wild Things Are. it was more depressing than i thought it would be...to be honest. and i saw New Moon again, and i have to say, it was extremely cheesy. i'm sorry. i totally used to be like a diehard Twilight fan, but alas, no more. oh well. my loss, right? or...maybe not.
ok, i'm so excited, because (wait for it)... Paramore is coming to San Jose in September and Tegan and Sara are opening for them! i'm so excited, i just need to convince someone to take me and then find the money to get tickets. Paramore's singer has like the BEST VOICE EVER. you have no idea how jealous i am. tickets are sort of pricey though, so this could be a problem. fingers crossed.
right now its in that stage between sunny and rain, and i dont know, i sort of like it. its like the sky's in indecision. i realize i'm being totally random in my subjects i'm writing about, but i dont think many {if any} people read this, so my apologies. anyway, on the way home from school today i was listening to this song Dark Blue and i realized that right now it totally describes my life. completely. especially in one aspect, but seeing as how anyone can view a blog, i'm not gonna advertise my secrets.
hmmm...not much else is new i guess, but it was my best friends birthday yesterday, so i'm wishing her a happy birthday right now. even though it was yesterday. but still...(you know who you are, i love you!!)
and i cant wait till summer!! it sort of almost feels like it though...i've been eating a lot of strawberries :) kay well i have to go downtown soon so...adios.
Song: Dear Agony ~ Breaking Benjamin
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Sundays Love Laces

well...i'm back. again. ok, so in my defense, i'm really bored, so i needed something to do, and also, its sunday, so i'm...really bored. hate sundays. and also i'm trying to put off math homework as much as possible. so. here i am, writing about NOTHING. aren't i an interesting person. ok, i'm just going to keep this short i guess, but isn't this picture cool?? they have a t-shirt like this and i'm trying to find it on ebay... i wish i had taken this picture, but i didnt, found it on google images. actually it might be someones actual picture, who knows... ok, well, if anyone even reads my posts, i'm going to stop boring you and go play guitar instead. over and out. :)
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Future Awesomeness
but then again i could live right on the coast where there's all those awesome rainbow colored houses (-->) and then i could just swim whenever i wanted :) it would be so freaking awesome. i really want to live in Portland and Seattle too though, so i might be doing a fair amount of traveling...which honestly? would be TOTALLY ok by me. other future awesomeness is that we (being me and mi familia) are going to see U2 in concert in May, and guess whos opening for them?? ...the Fray! its gonna be so cool, we just better find tickets or we cant go...obviously. i'm not like a diehard fan of U2, but i think one of their concerts would be pretty {epic} to see. {sorry, its the only word i could think of, but yes, i'm not really into when people say that to describe like...EVERYTHING.} anyway... and the fray, of course, will always be awesome to see. so yee...not much else interesting to blog about. it sounds really dull...blog. (haha wow i accidentally just wrote bog and had to change it.) see? the names no good. i mean come on, they could have totally come up with a better name, the...blogger creating...people? anyway, until...soon,
{emma}Friday, March 19, 2010
Through The Looking Glass
Hi! so, first post! to be honest, i'm not really sure what i'm going to post on here yet, but its just sort of nice to have a place where you can just write whatever you want down thats been going on.
hmm...so today i saw Alice And Wonderland; i'm still in that stage of deciding how much i like it. the graphics were awesome, and johnny depp was really really good (he was sort of a slight freak though)...but everyone seemed so excited about it i guess i was expecting something SO intensely good that anything could be a letdown. hmmm...i sound negative, but actually i liked it. really. how much...not sure yet. :) but i would see it again, definitely, so thats definitely a good sign!
so, i just have to write some song lyrics i found printed out on our table, they're sort of cool in a slightly random way:
slip inside the eye of your mind
don't you know you might find
a better place to play
its from a song called Don't Look Back In Anger by Oasis, who by the way are a fabulous band!!
tomorrow i'm going to sleep in because we had the time change last week, which was totally killer. so i've been slightly more sleep deprived than usual, so i plan to SLEEP as much as possible this weekend. oh and by the way, slightly random, but i believe tomorrows the first day of spring :) cant wait for summer....
right well, i haven't written much for my first post, mostly just rambled on about nothing much but i'm not even sure if anyones going to read this so oh well.
until {whenever it is the next time i post, which will probably be pretty soon},
hmm...so today i saw Alice And Wonderland; i'm still in that stage of deciding how much i like it. the graphics were awesome, and johnny depp was really really good (he was sort of a slight freak though)...but everyone seemed so excited about it i guess i was expecting something SO intensely good that anything could be a letdown. hmmm...i sound negative, but actually i liked it. really. how much...not sure yet. :) but i would see it again, definitely, so thats definitely a good sign!
so, i just have to write some song lyrics i found printed out on our table, they're sort of cool in a slightly random way:
slip inside the eye of your mind
don't you know you might find
a better place to play
its from a song called Don't Look Back In Anger by Oasis, who by the way are a fabulous band!!
tomorrow i'm going to sleep in because we had the time change last week, which was totally killer. so i've been slightly more sleep deprived than usual, so i plan to SLEEP as much as possible this weekend. oh and by the way, slightly random, but i believe tomorrows the first day of spring :) cant wait for summer....
right well, i haven't written much for my first post, mostly just rambled on about nothing much but i'm not even sure if anyones going to read this so oh well.
until {whenever it is the next time i post, which will probably be pretty soon},
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