Friday, April 8, 2011

All the facts are pretend anyway.

So i have been waiting aimlessly for something worth blogging about, and finally something has come my way.
I saw Ani Difranco in concert last night.

I can honestly say it was one of the most amazing concerts i've seen. Not that i'm exactly the hardcore concert guru, but still. I swear, she is one of the most incredible musicians out there. She's like poetry on a guitar, and her voice. I can't even get over it. I cried on the last song. That's how amazing it was. And i'm not someone who tears up at every miniscule thing..this was truly beautiful. I know it's cliche, yes, but she inspires me. Really. As soon as i got home i wanted to bang on my guitar and write a million songs with whispered words that mean something to the world. There was the issue of the fact that it was nearly midnight, and the rest of my family was lost in dreams. I'll just have to get to work on those millions now.

In other news, i went to Disneyland last week with my school orchestra. I actually had a fever the whole time, but it was still awesome. Some parts a little fuzzy, but still. I had great friends to take amazing care of me. And. I bought and drank a years worth of orange juice in approximately three days, which kept me going. We had to march in the parade, it was about a trillion degrees outside. We wore wool hats. Not exactly the most practical choice. But it was still kinda cool, having all the little kids watch and listen to us as we passed by. We had to go backstage to wait, and it was weird because it was really the backstage of disneyland and it was so...normal. Picture a cleaner street of San Francisco thats totally deserted. With people dressed up as big furry chipmunks and mice and princesses driving around in golf carts. It was kind of a rude awakening, because Disneyland is so, i dunno, pristine. So perfect. Then backstage, all the magic is gone, snaps back to reality. It was strange. Also...i have come to a conclusion. I'm really into Chip and Dale. Like the chipmunks? They're pretty cool. So anyways, that was really fun. And a thousand times better than being in school. :)

Aand, i am so glad its friday. The weekend awaits. Wooot! Time to party it up, hah. my case...sleep. Such a social butterfly, i know, i try. But really. I'm not planning on being antisocial all weekend, i promise.

Anyway, i am now going to go start number one of the million songs i got going inspired by the wonderous Ani Difranco. Enjoy the weekend, listen to some good music, and hopefully enjoy the sunshine. Or the rain. Either works for me.




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