Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I don't want to dance alone.

It's weird how a day can be completely reversed by one little thing. Or two, actually.

So, yesterday was a bad day. I didn't get any sleep and i woke up feeling like i could go back to bed and sleep for another trillion years. And, i got home reeaally late the night before and had no ambition or energy, or brain capacity to do my homework so i had a ton of stuff that i didn't do. So i was in the worst mood ever to begin with, then I got to school and realized that i had a huge english assignment due that i thought was due in a few weeks, and I hadn't even opened the book. I wanted to cry. Plus it was monday, which is the worst day ever.

Anyways, so after a terrible morning there was a short, brief conversation in passing that put a smile on my face. Then as i was driving home i saw a guy standing outside at a gas station. I'm guessing he worked there cause he had a uniform thing on, and i think he was on break, and what was he doing? Flying a kite. Not sitting back behind the building smoking a cigarette or anything, no. He was flying a kite. I loved that. And, it sorta made my day.

Anyways, today was better, had star testing which wasn't awesome but classes were shorter so it was okay.

And it's slightly sunny, which is awesome :)
Until later,

1 comment:

  1. haha that is awesome....flying a kite. of all things! haha <3
