Thursday, August 5, 2010

It's hot outside, let me go swimming in your eyes.

urban outfitters is just one of those stores...filled with awesomeness.

So yesterday, i spent a night in Sacramento and went to pretty much the biggest mall ever. it was pretty cool ;) got some awesome clothes too, maybe i will post about them the near future? found the most amazing cargo pants/skinny jeans...i'm pretty excited. and ate amazing food, including literally the smallest taco i have ever seen and also...a midget muffin. :D it was adorable. also, i found out that my mom can be pretty spastic at times...driving, for instance, and that she has a pretty mean right hook {she stabbed me in the eye by accident...of course}. also, i found a hamburger phone! it was amazing, it was pretty much exactly like the one from Juno. i sort of loved it, nerd that i am. leave it to Urban Outfitters to have a hambuger phone hehe. aand i got to listen to my favorite radio station ever! the one that only plays in Sacramento, {94.7 FM if you're curious :)} so i forced everyone to listen to it for pretty much two days straight. anyways, that has been my last 24 hours. also i'm looking forward to the fair tomorrow with mi amiga, should be really fun :D
anyways hope you're enjoying the warm weather {FINALLY!} as much as i am ;)
over and outt.

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