Saturday, August 7, 2010

There's a hole in the world.

well, it seems i have been blogging alot of late, but since it is summer, it's a relatively relaxing way to waste time. anyway, so the fair was awesome, me and an amazing friend went and had a really good time. went on tons of rides {the zipper...of course} and generally just hung out. the first time we went on the zipper i was SO incredibly intelligent and brought my bag on. and my bag doesnt close. at all. was the zipper. need i say more? as soon as the ride started all my stuff came flying out and started smacking us in the face. just being on the zipper is enough, but then virtually getting punched a couple times a minute with all my things...oh the joy. i felt like we were in a blender. my camera {which isnt exactly lightweight} actually survived the whole thing, although i'm not completely positive we both wont have bruises after that thing hit us. anyway, it was the type of thing that is funny now, but in the moment...i've not sworn so much in a while. that was the worst of it though, on every other ride i made sure my bag was secure ;) and also, i found out that i suffer from either short term memory loss, or just stupidity. because i hate heights. really. hate. heights. and we went on the zipper and, yea the ferris wheel and as soon as i got on i was like ohmigod i really dont like this, but i sort of did at the same time. definitely a love/hate type thing. and also...i can never be a pilot. i dont think. unless i dont look down. but being a pilot would be pretty sweet, in my opinion. wish i could fly.
also, saw speed, which was awesome, and finally {finally!} saw sweeny todd, which sure, was kinda gross in the fake blood spraying everywhere, but. the fact that it was johnny depp, and that it was just amazing made it amazing;)
and...i have less than two weeks left of summer :( but! i an going to make the best of it. optimistic, right?

until later,

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