Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Beneath all that's true, i know you feel it too.

well, its sort of a monumental day, the last day of summer. how, how, HOW did it go so freakin fast? i think tomorrow when i drag myself out of bed at 6 am, i will cry. {when i say monumental, i mean it badly}. although, i have had an awesome last week of summer. i went to orientation for school {this is not the awesome part, i promise ;)} and along with mis amigos had to get my picture taken...its better than last years but still...not totally amazing. then i got my classes...which is good and bad, because i have 3 classes with one of my best friends, which is totally great, but then no other classes with any of my other close friends. so. :C not looking so forward to schoolio. but i saw some people that i had really, really missed. ;) winkwink, hehe. anyway, so then afterwards i went and saw step up 3 with my lovely friends and even though it wasnt that good and the story was so completely predictable it was still fun. and then, i had one of those moments where you just wonder what is with my brain...we were walking out of the theater and one of my friends had the 3D glasses on and i was like is it 3D with them on? ...aand then i realized that the world already was 3D. and i felt reeally stupid hehe :)
then i went camping with my familia and one of my best friends family, which was really cool. there was this lake pool thing that literally could have been on a calendar or a cartoon movie it was so freakin blue, it was gorgeous. and realllly cold. but still pretty awesome ;)
and as a grand finale i hung out with another best friend and went and saw the kids are alright, which was pretty good, and then went home and watched the runaways, which was awesome. and then of course we were totally inspired and i was like ok lets make a band and write a bunch of songs...so we did. well formed a band, we are The Scandal. i sort of love it :D and dont steal it!
anyway, so thats been my last few days of summer. and i realize this is probably a pretty boring post to anyone else, but its more for when i'm old so i can look back and remember what i was like when i was 14 almost 15 and a sophomore in highschool. so, sorry for a boring post, i promise i will try to make the next one better :)


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