Thursday, August 26, 2010

You are my place.

You walk through my wall, a ghost on tv, you penetrate me.
ah its been too long. i have no time is that possible?
so far the most interesting thing that has happened in a while is...i played at an open mic last night. it was pretty cool. pretty much totally spontaneously, i went down to see one of my best friend's little brother and his friend play at aubergine, this totally awesome vintage clothing store/cafe, and i have to say, they were pretty good. theyre only 12 or so, and they were better than most of the people that got up before and after them. anyway so i was sitting there with my friend listening to them and she told me that i should do it too, and i realized i kinda wanted to. so i asked the guy that arranged the lineup if i could get a slot in and he said it would have to be pretty late, like 11:00 or 11:30, so i couldnt do that. but then a few minutes later he told me that he moved everyone else up a slot so i could go on in couple minutes. so...i did. i wasnt scared at all until i actually got up there and it got really really quiet, like everyone was waiting for me to start. my hands were shaking so bad i could barely plug the cord into the pickup on my guitar. anyway, i played two songs, it was so amazing because it was dead quiet when i played, and then the second when i stopped playing that moment of total silence before everyone felt awesome. and i wasnt so scared after the first couple lines. after i was done, a guy came up to me and asked me if i sang/played blues. i said maybe, and then he told me he got my email address and he wanted me to sing for his band. its blues, but i think it could still be cool. they meet at an awesome music store every month with a couple other kids and just play, and he said he needed a vocalist. i think i'm going to try it; if it doesnt work out, at least i have an excuse to go to zone music. ;)
so, other than that, school is school, life is as always. i felt like crying today alot, for some unknown reason. but then i smiled alot too, for a known reason. ;)
anyway, now i have to go study, i have 3 tests tomorrow, 2 of them map tests, so i'll try and write more soon.
p.s. listen to Wild World by Cat Stevens; i grew up with that song imbedded in my brain. i never appreciated some of my parents musical taste when i was little and was more into poppy girl bands, but now i'm glad i grew up listening to Cat Stevens and Third Eye Blind and David Grey, and Pearl Jam. anyway, just listen. i've been listening to it makes me smile. :)


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