Saturday, July 31, 2010

sing us a song, and we'll sing it back to you.

not completely sure why i love this picture. all i know is that i do. aand, shes wearing doc martens!! therefore im pretty much jealous.
so the past few days have been relatively interesting, i spent the day in napa with my mom and brother just walking around and looking in stores, and we saw despicable me, which was actually pretty good. the minions were the best part ;) i saw this awesome clothing store, i wanted to go in but we were running out of time so we had to run. no music store though, thats direly {wondering if that's a word} needed. anyways then me and three of mi amigos went and saw salt, which i dont know if i was just like half asleep or something but i am still trying to figure out. hopefully i was just half asleep, cause otherwise i would feel semi pathetic. but it was pretty good though, it was one of those movies that i kept predicting and then pretty much the total opposite would happen, which is awesome. those are the best type of movies.
then today i helped at my neighbors' garge sale. got a cool ying yang ring and some earrings i'm going to see if i can bend into a necklace. this one guy was talking about losing good grip as you get older and he was saying 'we're just not geckos anymore.' i don't know why but i sort of love this for some unknown reason. it just sort of stuck in my brain and has been going in circles in my mind all day...don't ask. because i have no clue.
anyway that has been my last 24 hours ;) i have been attempting a paul mccartney concert post for a few days now but the video wont load, so i dont know. hopefully it'll be up in a few days! of the best. songs. EVER is my heart, by paramore {of course}...its been stuck in my head for 3 days straight so far. if you haven't already, give it a listen when you can. i love. ;)

till later <3

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