Sunday, July 18, 2010

A million hours left to think of you and think of that.

whoa. long time no blog. the 4th seems like a looong time ago, i dont know why. how does time pass so quickly anyway?
ok so one of the totally awesome things i have done since then is...i saw paul mccartney in concert! yep. paul Freakin mccartney ;) he totally kicked ass too. it was really amazing, he was such a cool person, and he played a ton of beatles songs and they sounded so. amazing. anyway so that was preeeetty cool. and so now i am even more obsessed with the beatles than i was.
and some other current in love withs:
doc martens {i found the sweetest pair on ebay, they were black with sort of retro-y flowers on them...wanted them so bad but they went for like $200.} but i'm still looking. ;)
Aerosmith, just got one of their greatest hits cds and i'm sort of in love. also...whoever reads this you should listen to dream on when you get a chance, i love that song.
duck tape, not sure why. {yes i'm aware its actually DUCT tape, but that kinda ruined it when i found out it had nothing to do with a duck.}
hmm. the other night i pulled an all nighter with some friends and at like three in the morning when we were doing coke shots we saw this thing in the sky and we were like ufo!! it was weird it hovered for a little and then it slooowly moved towards us, flew right over us. then yesterday there was ufos in china...inneresting. hehe. aaaand. me and one of my friends wrote a song called...the pegacorn. we've pretty much decided we are going to be famous for it. ;) anyway, just thought i'd put that out there. we, are. very. special.
ok, so whoever ends up reading this, just comment if you have any, but any music suggestions? because i am in some serious need of new music right now. right now im in a led zeppelin/nirvana/beatles/third eye blind phase, but i know like all the words. so.
ok so, i am now bored with this post, so...sorry. i wish i had this really long list of awesome stuff that happened to me, but sadly. my life is not very interesting. so i just talk about...nothing. oh well.
oh! ok so if you are bored or need some good music {in my opinion} look up our last night. its sorta screamo but its really cool...i like. yee anyway thats preeetty much it. its been wayy too long since i've blogged, but...yeah. so i'm going to go and do something interesting, or...not, but yeah anyway. go pack for camping manana, should be cool. i'm excited for kyaking. anyways bye;)

p.s. its 11:11!! make a wish ;)

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