Saturday, July 24, 2010

you make me feel like i am free again.

ahh i love the summer so much. the past week has been spent swimming, sleeping, kayaking, running, roasting marshmallows, catching fish, starting campfires, riding bikes, driving {yes, my parents have finally let me drive}, and simply having an amazing time camping at Loon Lake, one of my absolute favorite places ever, i have decided. it was the type of water that you would drink, and i did actually, mostly by accident, but anyways. it was sooo gorgeous.

we went swimming everyday and kayaking, i tended to forget to paddle...seriously... there were all these little islands out in the middle and i explored most of them. it was sort of amazing. the water was really REALLY cold, but it was perfect anyway. jumping off the dock was the best.
anyway that was my fun week, it was pretty sweet. also on the way back we drove though sacramento and i found my favorite radio station, but. guess what? totally my luck, obviously you can only get it in sacramento! so now i have to constantly steal the computer to listen. oh well. its the only station i've ever found that i actually like most...pretty much all the songs they play. 94.7 FM if you were wondering ;)

aaand also, one of my friends came over breifly with her new puppy {!}, he's sooo cute!! and noow i think there might, MIGHT, be a chance my parents will maybe consider getting a dog? i have been trying to get them to get a dog for, literally, years. i think what i need to do is find a dog on the side of the road who has no home and bring it home and be like this dog needs us!! hehe i dunno, anyway, i would love a dog. so. much. also, these pictures are mine! finally. i need to stop stealing pictures off the internet, if its stealing anyway,but i can never find good pictures that i took. so, sorry if i stole anyones pictures! anyway, i'm psyched for a fun weekend and enjoying the sun, hope you love it as much as i do ;)

till later,

Song: Kids ~ MGMT

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