Monday, December 26, 2011

You're just as sane as i am.

Christmas is past, over and done. It is always a bit melancholic, slightly bittersweet, the day after Christmas. Knowing everything is over. The past few days have been wonderful; I got my share of cookies and wistful lights and secret fires and suprises and smoke, and family. Mine is quite fantastic. I realized yesterday how many people I have that I love, and that love me. It's so beautiful.

For Christmas I got, among other things, these lace up leather boots. They are quite perfect, I cannot wait to wear them out. I also got an ivory colored scarf and the new The Maine album. Overall, a good Christmas.
Tomorrow I am going to the city with my family, we are going to explore Chinatown. It's been a while since I have roamed the streets of San Francisco; I'm excited. I'm bringing my camera so that I can get handfuls of nostalgic pictures of the city at Christmas time. If there are any beautiful ones, I will post them later.
Enjoy the leftover Christmas warmth, and the clouds; they are so vast at this time of year.
Much love.



  1. i love you :) and we need to hang out now!

  2. hey(: i didn't know you still wrote on this! but it gave me sudden inspiration to start writing on mine again! so thank you, and you're writing is beautiful<3
