Thursday, December 22, 2011

The best time of the year.

It's finally Christmas time. I am out of school, finals are over, and finally I can revel in the christmas lights and the color red and cookies and the crispy air outside and the smell of peppermint and evergreen. It truly is the most magical time; I love it more than any other.

I am incredibly excited for the next two weeks, my two weeks of necessary freedom. I can't wait to spend the next three days with all of my family, stretching out Christmas into a much longer excursion; I have a massive family, so it takes us several days to see everyone. Which is just fine with me. I can't wait to see him, to give him my present...I hope he likes it. I have a feeling he will. I can't wait to have a photoshoot with my two best friends, surrounded by beautiful clothes and outrageous makeup and silky hair and christmas lights and pretty music and lush fabric. It will be beautiful, I know it. I can't wait to go to the city; it's been a while since I have walked around San Francisco, I sort of miss it. And plus, there is something so heartbreakingly beautiful about the city at Christmas time.
My brother and I made cookies this morning, we are going to frost them soon. I documented the whole thing with my new camera, hence the cookie pictures; both the cookies and the pictures turned out pretty well. And it was just entertaining either way.

Otherwise, I have been obsessing over '50s music {the trumpets}, christmas lights, trains, velvet and leather, my camera, and pretty sweaters. I am so excited for Christmas, it's crazy. Enjoy the yummy food and the lights, and until later,
Happy Christmas.


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