Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Don't you dare look out your window, darling everything's on fire.

It's odd to think that I have lived in two centuries and three decades, all before I have turned eighteen. 2012. To humour the Mayans, say the world will end in a matter of months. I want to make it the most memorable, present, explosive, unforgettable, epic, heartbreakingly beautiful last months.

The last few weeks have been quite amazing, for not doing anything huge. After the biggest emotional breakdown of my life on New Years, spent with my mom lying in bed, sobbing our eyes out for God knows why, my New Years Day was spent out at the beach. I took pictures of the waves crashing down in on themselves, jade-colored crystals spraying into the sky. I also collected handfuls of seaglass; one of my most favorite things in the world, seaglass is. It's sort of melancholic, being tossed about, drug out, tumbled round, washed up for years, until some lucky creature like me picks it up out of the sand with searching fingers and roving eyes. And the colours are so pretty.
A few days later I spent many hours wrapped in christmas lights, my eyes lined dark and heavy purple and glittery, behind a camera snapping gorgeous pictures of two of my closest friends. I will post some of them on here as soon as I can, they are truly beautiful.
And then, a few days ago, I spent the night with one of my favorite people on this earth. This boy is something special, I know it; a little bit of perfection. He made dinner for me too, because I am hopeless when it comes to coming up with an edible substance. It was perfect.
Yesterday was the beginning of school again. It was a bit of a system shock, overrun; a psychic strain. It's confusing, the constant reminder of a new year when I trip up writing the date on all my school papers. But, I dropped my first period class which, honestly, makes my life, at least the school portion of it, a little sweeter. I actually have time to wake up entirely before I am thrown into the world of bright hallways and cold classrooms and bustling crowds and yelling and piercing bells and passed notes and sharp pencils and paper...so much. Overdrive.

Anyways, that is my rundown for the past two weeks. Otherwise, I have started running everyday; we shall see how long that lasts. Fingers crossed.
And, I can't wait till summer. I have a feeling this year, and this summer, will be one I won't ever forget.

2012, bring it on.


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