Tuesday, July 5, 2011

You were my concience, so silent now you're like water.

So a few nights ago in the late/early hours of the night/morning, i was laying in bed half asleep, and i had what i thought was a semi-brilliant idea. Make a blog about music..as in, every time i find a cool band, i would post it. Fully awake it sounds less brilliant and more mildly cool, but hey. With summer comes a small amount of boredom, however much appreciated. So, here go's nothing. If you're in need of some music i think is awesome, check it out ;)



P.s.: Happy day after the 4th. Hope you enjoyed the fireworks as much as i did, and also i hope you don't have a bangover ;) ...from the noise of the fireworks i mean. Dirty minds you have! Heheh.
Hasta luego loves.

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