Friday, July 15, 2011

And it was sad news, i was not magnificent.

I know it's twisted...but i love it anyways.

Hello again. I am back. From what, you ask? Well.

Basically for the past week me and my best friend have been doing two things: laying on the couch, and watching all the Harry Potter movies in order, to make an epic Harry Potter movie marathon. This was all a build up to the second part of the 7th movie, which we saw the midnight premier of. I loved it...seriously, i did. And I cried {alot}. They did leave out a few crucial things, in my opinion; however, i would give it 9 out of 10. Maybe 9 1/2 out of 10. It was brilliant regardless :D

Anyways, other than that i have been doing alot of nothing, hanging out with someone special <3, writing alot of songs, listening to alot of Bella Ruse, {which you should check out if you haven't heard already}, and sleeping. I should probably get started on my History and English homework but...ahh! One more day i can relax, then I'll crack down. Maybe.
Oh, also, in other news, i got my nose pierced! It really didn't hurt barely at all, but for some reason a few minutes afterwards, i thought i was going to black out. I had to lay down and elevate my was pretty embarrassing. But the girl who pierced it was really cool. So, it was all and all okay.

Well, overall this is a rather boring post, but i felt it was semi necessary since it has been awhile.
Later lovelies.


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