Saturday, July 30, 2011

Reality is a lovely place, but i wouldn't want to live there.

I'm closer to the clouds up here anyway.

Today was a good day. Wasted away walking in circles, running across floating bridges and drawing on tables with a few choice people.
Wednesday was amazing. My mom, brother and i went to a free concert near our house at a winery, guess who i got to meet? Matt Nathanson. It made my week. Maybe my whole month. He was so sweet, and when he talked to me he really looked in my eyes. He wasn't distracted like i'm so sure many people would be. I got his new album; it really is modern love.

Tomorrow we leave for camping at my favorite place away from home. A lake with water like ice and crystal clean glass, with tiny islands out in the middle to be explored. I can't wait to take pictures. I always feel a little closer to the sky when I'm up there. It's gorgeous.
Until the return,


Monday, July 18, 2011

You are dancing through my veins.

The tranquil lights, stark water, conspicuously brave colours. Summer is the perfect time for love.


Saturday, July 16, 2011


There's something beautiful about animals, and how they love you. Unconditionally. Unprejudiced. They don't care if you are good looking, or thin, or rich, or have high social status. They don't pay any attention to the color of skin or social beliefs or who you love. As long as you love them. And they will love you back with everything they have.

There's something beautiful about that.

I just literally got hugged by one of the coolest cats I've ever met. I wanted to kidnap him and take him home with me. I restrained myself, don't worry. But...



Friday, July 15, 2011

And it was sad news, i was not magnificent.

I know it's twisted...but i love it anyways.

Hello again. I am back. From what, you ask? Well.

Basically for the past week me and my best friend have been doing two things: laying on the couch, and watching all the Harry Potter movies in order, to make an epic Harry Potter movie marathon. This was all a build up to the second part of the 7th movie, which we saw the midnight premier of. I loved it...seriously, i did. And I cried {alot}. They did leave out a few crucial things, in my opinion; however, i would give it 9 out of 10. Maybe 9 1/2 out of 10. It was brilliant regardless :D

Anyways, other than that i have been doing alot of nothing, hanging out with someone special <3, writing alot of songs, listening to alot of Bella Ruse, {which you should check out if you haven't heard already}, and sleeping. I should probably get started on my History and English homework but...ahh! One more day i can relax, then I'll crack down. Maybe.
Oh, also, in other news, i got my nose pierced! It really didn't hurt barely at all, but for some reason a few minutes afterwards, i thought i was going to black out. I had to lay down and elevate my was pretty embarrassing. But the girl who pierced it was really cool. So, it was all and all okay.

Well, overall this is a rather boring post, but i felt it was semi necessary since it has been awhile.
Later lovelies.


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

You were my concience, so silent now you're like water.

So a few nights ago in the late/early hours of the night/morning, i was laying in bed half asleep, and i had what i thought was a semi-brilliant idea. Make a blog about in, every time i find a cool band, i would post it. Fully awake it sounds less brilliant and more mildly cool, but hey. With summer comes a small amount of boredom, however much appreciated. So, here go's nothing. If you're in need of some music i think is awesome, check it out ;)


P.s.: Happy day after the 4th. Hope you enjoyed the fireworks as much as i did, and also i hope you don't have a bangover ;) ...from the noise of the fireworks i mean. Dirty minds you have! Heheh.
Hasta luego loves.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Baby, you're a firecracker.

You light up the sky like a fire in my eyes, you bring me up bring me out turn me on bright.

This weekend has been amazing.

To start, friday was just a great day. Full of tea and one of my favorite people :) Saturday was Warped, which is a mass concert with over 100 bands put on by Vans that tours around every summer. I went with three of my best friends, and it was pretty amazing. The sound in the amphitheatre wasn't honestly that good, but i could tell that underneath the bad sound the bands were really good. If that makes sense. But anyways, we saw Relient K, Go Radio, Every Avenue, Hellogoodbye, The Wonder Years, Black Veil Brides, and a few others. It was pretty cool. And there was also lots of free cds and stuff, which made it even cooler. I felt right at home with the scene kids and the hipsters :)

The next day, yesterday, was the 3rd of july. Which, yes, to most others would be like, okay, so the day before the 4th? But. Here in my small hippie town, we do things differently. Meaning all the fireworks and big town partying? Happens on the 3rd. Which is cool because then today, the 4th, we got to do our own fireworks, and firecrackers. But anyway, i forgot how much i love fireworks. They are one of my most favorite things in the world; i loved just laying in the grass and watching the bright colors and sparks mesh with the stars.
