Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
You are my place.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
My thoughts you can't decode.

ahh well, school is officially here. do you ever wonder where time goes? the thought went through my head a million times today, staring at the clock...going so slow, a second at a time....
but, its not all bad...i mean yeah, its school, but i have a cool english class and teacher, and for social studies right before i had to get up and speak in front of the class, the bell rang...that totally made me smile :) and orchestra is going to be freakin awesome, there's a bunch more sophomores now, and i have a feeling because of the people in it i am going to be smiling alot ;) and i'm guessing its going to be my favorite class, which is awesome. so i'm stoked for that, and my *ahem* yoga class {dont make fun} should be cool.
i had to sit through the wierdest story in science though, something involving fields of corn and an old man waving every single day and then a town with a different but the same man directing people and giving directions and rivers and all this other completely ramdom crud, and honestly? thats about all i took in. it was something like a metaphor about how the teacher is the old man and we are the field of wheat...or something. i was focusing on leaving :) anyway i was pretty confused.
but honestly? it was pretty dull for the first day, i mean usually the first day is sort of exciting and then it hits you that its going to be the same for a whole other year, but i dunno. i guess boring is alot better than terrible right? hehe
aand for music, i know i've been doing alot of paramore lately, but in my defense i'm just getting ready for the concert, which by the way is a month from yesterday! i'm so excited its not even funny ;) anyways this is the acoustic version of decode, which is like one of the sweetest songs ever, and her voice sounds so amazing. i think i'm in love...and not just with this ;)
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Beneath all that's true, i know you feel it too.

Sunday, August 15, 2010
Saturday, August 7, 2010
There's a hole in the world.

Thursday, August 5, 2010
It's hot outside, let me go swimming in your eyes.

anyways hope you're enjoying the warm weather {FINALLY!} as much as i am ;)
over and outt.