Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I realized, i wouldn't like me, if i met me.

last day of august. i know i probably sound like a broken record, but. time is literally flying.
and right now, i feel sort of...lost. xx

Thursday, August 26, 2010

You are my place.

You walk through my wall, a ghost on tv, you penetrate me.
ah its been too long. i have no time anymore...how is that possible?
so far the most interesting thing that has happened in a while is...i played at an open mic last night. it was pretty cool. pretty much totally spontaneously, i went down to see one of my best friend's little brother and his friend play at aubergine, this totally awesome vintage clothing store/cafe, and i have to say, they were pretty good. theyre only 12 or so, and they were better than most of the people that got up before and after them. anyway so i was sitting there with my friend listening to them and she told me that i should do it too, and i realized i kinda wanted to. so i asked the guy that arranged the lineup if i could get a slot in and he said it would have to be pretty late, like 11:00 or 11:30, so i couldnt do that. but then a few minutes later he told me that he moved everyone else up a slot so i could go on in couple minutes. so...i did. i wasnt scared at all until i actually got up there and it got really really quiet, like everyone was waiting for me to start. my hands were shaking so bad i could barely plug the cord into the pickup on my guitar. anyway, i played two songs, it was so amazing because it was dead quiet when i played, and then the second when i stopped playing that moment of total silence before everyone clapped...it felt awesome. and i wasnt so scared after the first couple lines. after i was done, a guy came up to me and asked me if i sang/played blues. i said maybe, and then he told me he got my email address and he wanted me to sing for his band. its blues, but i think it could still be cool. they meet at an awesome music store every month with a couple other kids and just play, and he said he needed a vocalist. i think i'm going to try it; if it doesnt work out, at least i have an excuse to go to zone music. ;)
so, other than that, school is school, life is as always. i felt like crying today alot, for some unknown reason. but then i smiled alot too, for a known reason. ;)
anyway, now i have to go study, i have 3 tests tomorrow, 2 of them map tests, so i'll try and write more soon.
p.s. listen to Wild World by Cat Stevens; i grew up with that song imbedded in my brain. i never appreciated some of my parents musical taste when i was little and was more into poppy girl bands, but now i'm glad i grew up listening to Cat Stevens and Third Eye Blind and David Grey, and Pearl Jam. anyway, just listen. i've been listening to it everyday....it makes me smile. :)


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My thoughts you can't decode.

ahh well, school is officially here. do you ever wonder where time goes? the thought went through my head a million times today, staring at the clock...going so slow, a second at a time....
but, its not all bad...i mean yeah, its school, but i have a cool english class and teacher, and for social studies right before i had to get up and speak in front of the class, the bell rang...that totally made me smile :) and orchestra is going to be freakin awesome, there's a bunch more sophomores now, and i have a feeling because of the people in it i am going to be smiling alot ;) and i'm guessing its going to be my favorite class, which is awesome. so i'm stoked for that, and my *ahem* yoga class {dont make fun} should be cool.
i had to sit through the wierdest story in science though, something involving fields of corn and an old man waving every single day and then a town with a different but the same man directing people and giving directions and rivers and all this other completely ramdom crud, and honestly? thats about all i took in. it was something like a metaphor about how the teacher is the old man and we are the field of wheat...or something. i was focusing on leaving :) anyway i was pretty confused.
but honestly? it was pretty dull for the first day, i mean usually the first day is sort of exciting and then it hits you that its going to be the same for a whole other year, but i dunno. i guess boring is alot better than terrible right? hehe
aand for music, i know i've been doing alot of paramore lately, but in my defense i'm just getting ready for the concert, which by the way is a month from yesterday! i'm so excited its not even funny ;) anyways this is the acoustic version of decode, which is like one of the sweetest songs ever, and her voice sounds so amazing. i think i'm in love...and not just with this ;)



Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Beneath all that's true, i know you feel it too.

well, its sort of a monumental day, the last day of summer. how, how, HOW did it go so freakin fast? i think tomorrow when i drag myself out of bed at 6 am, i will cry. {when i say monumental, i mean it badly}. although, i have had an awesome last week of summer. i went to orientation for school {this is not the awesome part, i promise ;)} and along with mis amigos had to get my picture taken...its better than last years but still...not totally amazing. then i got my classes...which is good and bad, because i have 3 classes with one of my best friends, which is totally great, but then no other classes with any of my other close friends. so. :C not looking so forward to schoolio. but i saw some people that i had really, really missed. ;) winkwink, hehe. anyway, so then afterwards i went and saw step up 3 with my lovely friends and even though it wasnt that good and the story was so completely predictable it was still fun. and then, i had one of those moments where you just wonder what is with my brain...we were walking out of the theater and one of my friends had the 3D glasses on and i was like is it 3D with them on? ...aand then i realized that the world already was 3D. and i felt reeally stupid hehe :)
then i went camping with my familia and one of my best friends family, which was really cool. there was this lake pool thing that literally could have been on a calendar or a cartoon movie it was so freakin blue, it was gorgeous. and realllly cold. but still pretty awesome ;)
and as a grand finale i hung out with another best friend and went and saw the kids are alright, which was pretty good, and then went home and watched the runaways, which was awesome. and then of course we were totally inspired and i was like ok lets make a band and write a bunch of songs...so we did. well formed a band, we are The Scandal. i sort of love it :D and dont steal it!
anyway, so thats been my last few days of summer. and i realize this is probably a pretty boring post to anyone else, but its more for when i'm old so i can look back and remember what i was like when i was 14 almost 15 and a sophomore in highschool. so, sorry for a boring post, i promise i will try to make the next one better :)


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Wish 2.

Wish 2.

i wish i could tell you what i mean.


Saturday, August 7, 2010

There's a hole in the world.

well, it seems i have been blogging alot of late, but since it is summer, it's a relatively relaxing way to waste time. anyway, so the fair was awesome, me and an amazing friend went and had a really good time. went on tons of rides {the zipper...of course} and generally just hung out. the first time we went on the zipper i was SO incredibly intelligent and brought my bag on. and my bag doesnt close. at all. and...it was the zipper. need i say more? as soon as the ride started all my stuff came flying out and started smacking us in the face. just being on the zipper is enough, but then virtually getting punched a couple times a minute with all my things...oh the joy. i felt like we were in a blender. my camera {which isnt exactly lightweight} actually survived the whole thing, although i'm not completely positive we both wont have bruises after that thing hit us. anyway, it was the type of thing that is funny now, but in the moment...i've not sworn so much in a while. that was the worst of it though, on every other ride i made sure my bag was secure ;) and also, i found out that i suffer from either short term memory loss, or just stupidity. because i hate heights. really. hate. heights. and we went on the zipper and, yea the ferris wheel and as soon as i got on i was like ohmigod i really dont like this, but i sort of did at the same time. definitely a love/hate type thing. and also...i can never be a pilot. i dont think. unless i dont look down. but being a pilot would be pretty sweet, in my opinion. wish i could fly.
also, saw speed, which was awesome, and finally {finally!} saw sweeny todd, which sure, was kinda gross in the fake blood spraying everywhere, but. the fact that it was johnny depp, and that it was just amazing made it amazing;)
and...i have less than two weeks left of summer :( but! i an going to make the best of it. optimistic, right?

until later,

Thursday, August 5, 2010

It's hot outside, let me go swimming in your eyes.

urban outfitters is just one of those stores...filled with awesomeness.

So yesterday, i spent a night in Sacramento and went to pretty much the biggest mall ever. it was pretty cool ;) got some awesome clothes too, maybe i will post about them sometime...in the near future? found the most amazing cargo pants/skinny jeans...i'm pretty excited. and ate amazing food, including literally the smallest taco i have ever seen and also...a midget muffin. :D it was adorable. also, i found out that my mom can be pretty spastic at times...driving, for instance, and that she has a pretty mean right hook {she stabbed me in the eye by accident...of course}. also, i found a hamburger phone! it was amazing, it was pretty much exactly like the one from Juno. i sort of loved it, nerd that i am. leave it to Urban Outfitters to have a hambuger phone hehe. aand i got to listen to my favorite radio station ever! the one that only plays in Sacramento, {94.7 FM if you're curious :)} so i forced everyone to listen to it for pretty much two days straight. anyways, that has been my last 24 hours. also i'm looking forward to the fair tomorrow with mi amiga, should be really fun :D
anyways hope you're enjoying the warm weather {FINALLY!} as much as i am ;)
over and outt.