Saturday, March 24, 2012

Baby there's a shark in the water.

So much has happened...I don't even know where to begin.

Today I got a job. I am now employed at this tiny video store in town, posters pasted all over and old movies shown constantly; I am so excited. It is truly my dream job, I cannot get over it. I am going to have so much fun, conversing with hippies and elderly couples about old or strange movies that I know of. I also got my SAT scores, and I did not do so badly; 1900.

Last Sunday was perfect. I mean, more than perfect, more than normal. More than ever. I am so lucky, luckier than I can even say. Unfortunately I cannot explain this code, this riddle. Because if I did, then I would be revealing a deep part of me that I do not wish to be discovered and splayed about, heard by so many strangers' ears. But just know that he made me happier than ever.

The rain came a few days ago, pounding at the glass like little diamond fingertips running down the casements and messing my hair until I looked as if I had been suddenly possessed by the urge to throw myself into a lake headfirst. But sitting inside warm, watching it come down in sheets, that is so beautiful to me. I remember when I was little and someone told me that every time it rained, that meant that angels were crying. It made me so sad to think of that, and it made me desperately wonder what could be so heartbreaking that it would make even angels sob. Even so many years later, I still think about that when the rain comes down. For some reason, the image stays in my mind in a sort of familiar, soft way; perhaps I still believe in the tears of angels after all.

Otherwise, today was just a generally wonderful day. Despite the grey, flint coloured skies that ceased to either break and let in sunlight or cloud over and offer angel tears, simply moving across the vast white above. I got a job, my first, I got my SAT scores, which were not entirely disappointing. Lunch was actually quite fabulous as well; examinations of palms and life lines and that wonderful boy and his strange singing, and the smile that makes me smile. I am so happy. Also, receiving compliments from the extraordinarily chipper man at the grocery store, who never fails to light my day up a bit, having a lovely conversation with a little girl that is far more comfortable with conversations than I, laughing over walking into inanimate objects and a hug from singing teacher, and a spontaneous, though fleeting visit from a good friend. All in all, I would say it was just a fabulous day, and not over yet; I still have to eat cereal. Trust me, it is not just any kind of cereal, but the kind made in heaven.

I hope your day was as smile-worthy as mine.
Happy Thursday,


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