Monday, December 26, 2011

You're just as sane as i am.

Christmas is past, over and done. It is always a bit melancholic, slightly bittersweet, the day after Christmas. Knowing everything is over. The past few days have been wonderful; I got my share of cookies and wistful lights and secret fires and suprises and smoke, and family. Mine is quite fantastic. I realized yesterday how many people I have that I love, and that love me. It's so beautiful.

For Christmas I got, among other things, these lace up leather boots. They are quite perfect, I cannot wait to wear them out. I also got an ivory colored scarf and the new The Maine album. Overall, a good Christmas.
Tomorrow I am going to the city with my family, we are going to explore Chinatown. It's been a while since I have roamed the streets of San Francisco; I'm excited. I'm bringing my camera so that I can get handfuls of nostalgic pictures of the city at Christmas time. If there are any beautiful ones, I will post them later.
Enjoy the leftover Christmas warmth, and the clouds; they are so vast at this time of year.
Much love.


Thursday, December 22, 2011

The best time of the year.

It's finally Christmas time. I am out of school, finals are over, and finally I can revel in the christmas lights and the color red and cookies and the crispy air outside and the smell of peppermint and evergreen. It truly is the most magical time; I love it more than any other.

I am incredibly excited for the next two weeks, my two weeks of necessary freedom. I can't wait to spend the next three days with all of my family, stretching out Christmas into a much longer excursion; I have a massive family, so it takes us several days to see everyone. Which is just fine with me. I can't wait to see him, to give him my present...I hope he likes it. I have a feeling he will. I can't wait to have a photoshoot with my two best friends, surrounded by beautiful clothes and outrageous makeup and silky hair and christmas lights and pretty music and lush fabric. It will be beautiful, I know it. I can't wait to go to the city; it's been a while since I have walked around San Francisco, I sort of miss it. And plus, there is something so heartbreakingly beautiful about the city at Christmas time.
My brother and I made cookies this morning, we are going to frost them soon. I documented the whole thing with my new camera, hence the cookie pictures; both the cookies and the pictures turned out pretty well. And it was just entertaining either way.

Otherwise, I have been obsessing over '50s music {the trumpets}, christmas lights, trains, velvet and leather, my camera, and pretty sweaters. I am so excited for Christmas, it's crazy. Enjoy the yummy food and the lights, and until later,
Happy Christmas.


Sunday, December 11, 2011

If the drugs don't work you probably need more.

The past few days have been rather strange, Friday especially. Full of cold and laughing and starry eyes and running away and darkness and wispy fog and icy fingertips and smoke. A big group of us went to the talent show at our highschool, which was interesting; there were a few people who were quite good and then some not so good. One of my best friends twisted her foot on a staircase, once we got home we iced it and ate macaroni and cheese and ice cream; one of my favorite parts of the night if I am honest.

Yesterday we got our christmas tree, which makes me so happy and warm inside. My mom and my little brother and I spent most of the day listening to strange music and stringing lights and ornaments and candy canes on the tree and about the house. Our stockings even got hung up. Then last night was spent running around town, eating warm food and hiding out in the car with the heater blasting hot, musty air at our cheeks.

I love this time of year so very, very much, so nostalsgic and melancholy and just a little hearbreaking, but painfully beautiful at the same moments. I have been listening to Bon Iver constantly; it seems it is the perfect soundtrack to my life at the moment. And outside; it always makes me want to write music, just staring out the windows at the skies.

Until later loves.



Friday, December 2, 2011

Now we have something worth fighting for, don't we love?

This is something that I am looking forward to so very, very much; Laurelyn, if you read this, this is us in a year and a few months on our epicly amazing, mass concert attending, college visiting, beautiful clothing gathering, life-finding, music filled roadtrip. I am so excited. It will literally be a time of my life. I just found this picture and it reminded me of that and got me all anxiously awaiting it, anyways.

Love you,

Camera Shy.

I finally got my new camera! It is so incredibly amazing, I'm so completely inspired. I spent all day and night yesterday neglecting my homework and running around my house and my yard snapping hapless, random pictures of odd things. I am going to have so much fun with it, I just know.
Also, I am getting my christmas tree tomorrow, I am so excited. I love this time of year more than any other.
