Thursday, November 25, 2010

The leaves are the last remainders of our summer.

happy thanksgiving everyone:) my thanksgiving hasnt been entirely exciting yet, but in a few hours its bound to get even better. not to say its been bad so far, it hasnt. sleeping in, conversations with friends, making of a friendship bracelet, reading of harry potter, critiquing of pie, finding amazing pants on ebay, and a random text from a stranger wishing me a happy thanksgiving. i would say its not so very bad. and the prospect of pie, and all the other food is keeping me happy. and i love this weather. i have come to the conclusion in my head that the combination of the colors and the temperatures make it my favorite time of year. its so beautiful. you might be able to tell i am in a happy mood right now...its the pie.
so. anyway, have fun eating turkey. or, since its the awesome hippy town i live in, tofurkey.

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