Saturday, November 20, 2010

i told myself i had let go, but now i know it's just a lie.

i find it strange that i have gone this far into november without writing. im not sure why it's happening like this.
so a lot has happened i suppose, over the past few weeks. one of the biggest things was that i sang. in front of an audience. of about fifty people. a performance, really. it was for my singing lessons, we each have to perform a few songs, and friends and family and such can come and hear us. anyway, it was evening and raining, and we drove down to this little cafe near my house, which i adore. two of my best friends came, which was amazing. i adore them too. i would have invited all of my friends, but i couldnt. anyway, i wasnt nervous at all. even when the pickup on my guitar got messed up, and my teacher made me start over because the guitar was too loud. i felt so present. it was the best feeling ever. and i got completely immersed, when i looked up everyone was with me. i think i did a fairly good job. even when i was done and walked off with the pickup still attached to my guitar and everyone had to call me back before i broke it off. even then. it was wonderful to receive compliments, which honestly were a lot, not to be vain. i was even offered guitar lessons, a babysitting job for the most adorable girl, and the name of an agent in LA. guitar lessons, and babysitting job? definitely. agent in LA? maybe someday. but for now, i'm happy where i am.

and then. me and one of my best friends went and hung out looking for presents for our friend and smelling perfumes and making fun of the really ugly clothes we saw, and then saw Due Date, which i have to say i sort of loved :) anyway it was just one of those days that was just so perfect.
and also, harry potter and the deathly hallows has been out a grand total of two days, and guess how many times i have seen it? yep. twice. :) i know, nerdness, but it's of the best kind. anyway, i wont devote a whole post to it, but just this. it. was. so. amazingly. epic. enough said.

so it's probably not the most interesting post, but still, i feel like it was due. just so it's known i havent dropped off the face of the earth.
and the holidays are coming soon, only a few days till thanksgiving, so i promise i will start up with the writing again, because i will actually have more interesting things to ramble about. but for now, good bye. have a lovely few days, those of you, if any of you, who read this public diary of sorts.
until next,

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