Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Saying nothing, that's enough for me.


I feel like my life is on fast-forward. It's like I can't even remember the last time I took a deep breath in, really deep, and just shut my eyes. Breathed.
It's summertime. I still can't even believe it, really, that we are done with our third year of high school, that we are seniors. How did that even happen? So fast, the time just slipped away from us while we turned our backs for one tiny, infinite second.
So much has happened since I last wrote, I am not even sure where to begin. School ended sort of anti-climatically, to be honest; I guess I was just so tired. I got a new job, working at a little ice-cream shop in town. I'm excited about it, and everyone is really great there, but I will miss my little video store like a memory that doesn't last nearly long enough; but I actually see it as something that is not over, undone. I think I will probably work there again someday, hopefully at least.

My summer, so far, has been rather different than I expected, but actually in a really good way. I have spent nearly the past week with that wonderful, crazy amazing boy that lights up my eyes. He makes me so happy. And then the past two days, with another boy as well, that I am just getting to really know, and we three fit so well together. We have had adventures in the last 72 hours; going to a party at 11:00 at night, the car running out of battery at 4:30 AM just as we want to leave and go home and shut out eyelids tightly, pushing the car down the longest driveway, making plans to walk the four miles home in the dark, then feeling so elated and on top of the entire world when it actually finally started. Then getting home at 5:00 in the morning, watching the sunrise from the bedroom window, going out to breakfast, taking silly pictures in the restaurant reflection. He had to rush off to work, so the other he and I walked under the fiery sun to the school and sat on the steps in the shade and talked for hours, literally, about everything. Everything. Then school rooftop excursions, bike rack adventures, and then the bikeride to watch the sunset. And then, as the sky got black, riding to the cemetery and sitting on the bench, the three of us, looking at the stars, with the owls and the bats flying softly above us. Two days, and already we have had adventures. I love that.

Otherwise, I go to the Grand Canyon in a matter of days; I am so breathlessly excited. I am going to take so many pictures, capture it all. I can't wait! And my family; I love our roadtrips more than anything.

But this is a strange string of words, I admit. My thoughts are jagged and rumpled and it is late, and my eyelids are at war with my will. It's just that so much has happened, and truthfully, I can't even begin to write it all down. But I will, because I am so afraid I will lose it all, and that is terrifying in itself.
Anyway, thank you to those who actually read all of this, I promise I will be a bit more coherent next time.


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