Friday, May 27, 2011

It's true, you're electric i can't get over it.

Yesterday, and today. Best. Days. Ever.

Perpetual good mood still perpetual :) Why?
-School is over. Over. OVER!
-This means it's officially summer. And summer is the best time of the year. Ever.
-This also means i'm a junior. Which is kinda half and half, i'm not looking forward to junior year cause i know it's gonna be hard, but still. Junior sounds so much better than sophomore.
-It smells like summer outside. Sweet and warm and lazy and soft and light. One of the best smells ever that cannot possibly replicated because its just so amazing.
-Just something else. :D

I'll keep you posted.


Saturday, May 21, 2011

I don't want anybody else, if i can have you for myself.

So. Basically, i have been in a perpetually amazing mood for the past 3 days. It's so amazing to me how one thing, or ok, a few, can get me high on nothing. I love it.
And. I think i'm in love. Honestly. I know how cliche that sounds, but i realized that i couldn't remember when i had ever felt this way because i never had. It's all new. I highly recommend it.

Anyways, the past few days have consisted of an amazing day on thursday, after school and at my final orchestra concert of the year, even though i had to wear a tutu. Even then. Then friday i hung out with one of my best friends who was stranded, and she ended up hanging at my house and sleeping over. Our evening consisted of talking about the same thing for hours and hours and walking to a school nearby to go on the merry go round, and the slide. Sadly the slide was kinda anticlimactic..i got all psyched and climbed up the steps and got ready to zoom down it really fast, but for some reason, the combo of my jeans against slide just didn't happen and so i ended up just kinda scooting down it pathetically. We also played checkers with woodchips and rocks, which made me realize i really need to brush up on that game. Basically, i suck.
Then today {Saturday}, i went to the Maker Faire, which was pretty cool, and hung out with my friend Maia. One thing i love about that fair is all the awesome free stuff they give out. Anyways that was pretty fun :)
And now, i am sitting at home watching the first part of the 7th Harry Potter for the second time in 2 days, which i am completely happy with.

So, i hope to continue with this amazing mood spell..hopefully it'll even get better. I'll keep you posted ;)
Enjoy the weekend. Later.


{+} Thursday. Enough said.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

You know me.

Your warm whispers, letting me drown in a pool of you
Your warm whispers, keeping the noise from breaking through

So basically, this is what i want to be doing right now. In the sun. During summer.
However, instead i am in my house watching as it pours down rain from clouds that look like they're from a painting of a ship caught in a storm. I'm a little dissapointed. Not to mention the mountain..{literally} of homework just waiting for me. But. I got me some macaroni and cheese so i'm okay :)
Also, i have come to a conclusion. I love the rain, i really do..but not when i'm stuck in it without a hood or umbrella for a half hour in town, with no place to go. Which i was, in fact, after school. It would have all been fine of it hadn't just happened to have been the one day this whole year that i forgot my phone. I'm all for no phones or technology when it's reasonable, but man, sometimes i feel so lost without mine.

Anyways, this weekend was really fun, although mostly uneventful. I did, however, model for a really really awesome photoshoot with my friend maia at our friend taya's shoot. It was pretty awesome, i got to have my hair all done up to look amazing in an Anthropologie/Free People sort of way, and then got to wear a bunch of her clothes, all gorgeous, and some of which she made. I'm sorta jealous of her talent. :) I'm excited to get the pictures and see how they turned out.
And there's 8 more days of school! I am so, so so so excited.

Anyways, enjoy the rain i guess, just stay inside and stay warm, it makes the rain so much better.


Monday, May 2, 2011

You look like the afternoon, when you wake at 6 in the morning.

"There's this constant whirlwind of motion and sound all around, and then there's the quiet one, the eye of the storm."

First post of May. It's crazy how time flies, and how unbelievably close we are to summer..freedom. It makes me happy.

So. I despise with a passion the feeling when i know i just did something, or didn't do something, i guess, that i'm going to regret so much. It's one of the worst feelings. That was the second part of my 24 hours yesterday. I was so angry at myself; I'm such a coward sometimes. I know i need to just let myself go, to just take the risk that's so near impossible for me to take, but it's so hard. But i only have nine more days to let go.

On another note; I. am. so. glad. it's. friday. Only 9 more days of school left, i'm so psyched. And I'm sorry for the vagueness..if thats a word. But i needed to vent, to let it out. I promise I'll be better next time, got the whole weekend ahead of me :D Enjoy the sun.
