Your warm whispers, letting me drown in a pool of you
Your warm whispers, keeping the noise from breaking through So basically, this is what i want to be doing right now. In the sun. During summer.
However, instead i am in my house watching as it pours down rain from clouds that look like they're from a painting of a ship caught in a storm. I'm a little dissapointed. Not to mention the mountain..{literally} of homework just waiting for me. But. I got me some macaroni and cheese so i'm okay :)
Also, i have come to a conclusion. I love the rain, i really do..but not when i'm stuck in it without a hood or umbrella for a half hour in town, with no place to go. Which i was, in fact, after school. It would have all been fine of it hadn't just happened to have been the one day this whole year that i forgot my phone. I'm all for no phones or technology when it's reasonable, but man, sometimes i feel so lost without mine.
Anyways, this weekend was really fun, although mostly uneventful. I did, however, model for a really really awesome photoshoot with my friend maia at our friend taya's shoot. It was pretty awesome, i got to have my hair all done up to look amazing in an Anthropologie/Free People sort of way, and then got to wear a bunch of her clothes, all gorgeous, and some of which she made. I'm sorta jealous of her talent. :) I'm excited to get the pictures and see how they turned out.
And there's 8 more days of school! I am so, so so so excited.
Anyways, enjoy the rain i guess, just stay inside and stay warm, it makes the rain so much better.