Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Right there at the end is where i'll be.

your eyes sparkle like glitter, or stars.

so today was just another day, school, had to take the high school exit exam. i better pass hah, if i don't i'm going to have some serious reconsidering to do for my life plan. not that i have much of one anyway.
and just out of sheer boredom, i'm gonna post some little things in life that i love with everything i have.

1. the smell after it rains.
2. being in bed with the sun shafting in and being warm and drowsy, and knowing you have all the time in the world to sleep.
3. warm showers in the middle of the day. or at night. or actually, any time :)
4. going to the beach and taking off your shoes and feeling weightless and like you can run forever without ever stopping.
5. 11:11
6. beautiful pictures.
7. new things that you've wanted forever.
8. singing really loud to a really good song, not caring who hears or if it sounds good.
9. long car rides.
10. those songs that make you feel infinitely.
11.sharp pencils.
12. that moment when you're singing a song and you suprise yourself by hitting every note perfectly on the hard parts.
13. ice cream..and cookies. and brownies. sugar.
14. staying up really late and just talking at sleepovers.
15. writing new songs.
16. getting home and realizing you have no homework.
17. the rare occasion of snow.
18. fireworks.
19. trips with mi familia, even if it's to nowhere in particular.
20. summer.
anyway, supposedly it's going to be warm tomorrow, so i hope you enjoy the sun as much as i will.
later <3

1 comment:

  1. staying up late and talking on sleepovers ;)

    that was fun emma and we should do it again! and write another song! <3
