Thursday, March 24, 2011

Let's get lost.

I. am. so. glad. it's. break.

You have no idea.
It's funny, because usually when i have a break, i plan all these amazing things to do and I'm really busy, hanging out with friends and such the whole time. this break, however..has mainly consisted of me, sleeping, watching alot of movies, listening to alot of music, eating, playing guitar, sleeping some more, and such. i don't mind, although honestly i feel slightly pathetic. in my defense it's rainy and dark and nostalgic, not exactly prime conditions for adventure.

I have to feed my neighbors' animals for a few days, and so this morning i went down to do it. i swear to you, i have never seen so much rain and hail in my life. it was like the sky opened up just for me, by the time i was done i was soaked like i had jumped in a lake. anyway, that was one way to start my morning. doused by ice cold hail.

In other news, me and two of my best friends got tickets to the Maine concert in June. i am so excited, i can't wait. it's going to be amazing, i just know it. i love them. :)

What else? i love the rain, especially when it's not pelting me at high speeds and soaking me through my clothes. i love sleeping in and waking up and then realizing i can go back to sleep again. i love waiting for summer, and i love that first day that you realize it truly is summer time. also..
i love life.
i know it's cliche..but i don't care.

anyway, enjoy the rain, or maybe if you're lucky, the sunlight.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

just whisper, i could find you in a crowd.

the summer sun like a drum, the beat crossing our backs flying on our skin. chasing our shadows over the pavement and whispering in between sheets, laughing and crying when the days end. feeling like the time is neverending. we are eternal, i believe in this.

today was relatively uneventful, but it was better than i thought it would be. i was really late to school and..orchestra/band practice...yes. i know it makes me the epitome of a nerd, yes, yes i do. but i don't honestly mind :) anyways, i was really late, but then i got there, and it hadn't even started yet, and the rain made it so we didn't have to march in front of everyone, which was a plus. i just got to hang out and listen to the band play music for us. it wasn't too shabby.
me and mi amiga had to get fitted for a band marching uniform though, that was interesting. was kinda fun. we looked preetty damn sexy in our poofy black pants that are 4 inches too short and the nice vest that make us look like we're wearing a life jacket under it, and of course, the bow tie. the cherry on the sundae. don't worry, i changed out the pants for ones that were long enough. basically. the plus side of all of this is that we are going to disneyland in a few weeks :) my orchestra and the bands, that is. i'm psyched. a bunch of my friends are going, it's going to be awesome.
another thing that i am incredibly, incredibly excited about is that the Maine is coming to San Francisco in June, and guess whose going? woot! can you tell i'm excited? me and two of my best friends are going, and i caaannn't waaaiiit. i love them.

anyways, not much else interesting. i have break in a week, which is awesome, although i hope its not raining. apparently there might be a possible tea party in the making. i can't help but think of alice in wonderland. not necessarily a bad image.
the rain is making my cat act like a psycho maniac, so i am going to go fix you ask? no idea. hopefully something will come to me before he breaks something of value.

until next time :)


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Invincible, never gonna die.

but..its not really true. i was reading about whats happening in japan right now, and i was thinking. its crazy how fragile we are, how breakable. and you know what else is scary? the dates of 9/11 and the day the earthquake and the tsunami hit japan, they add up to 12/21/12..which is the day the world is supposed to end. which is freaky.

on a much happier note, me and laurelyn {one of my best friends} wrote and recorded our first song. it's called soundtrack of our lives, and not to sound vain, but its pretty awesome.
over summer, we're gonna be writing alottt of songs, i can tell :) i'm psyched.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Right there at the end is where i'll be.

your eyes sparkle like glitter, or stars.

so today was just another day, school, had to take the high school exit exam. i better pass hah, if i don't i'm going to have some serious reconsidering to do for my life plan. not that i have much of one anyway.
and just out of sheer boredom, i'm gonna post some little things in life that i love with everything i have.

1. the smell after it rains.
2. being in bed with the sun shafting in and being warm and drowsy, and knowing you have all the time in the world to sleep.
3. warm showers in the middle of the day. or at night. or actually, any time :)
4. going to the beach and taking off your shoes and feeling weightless and like you can run forever without ever stopping.
5. 11:11
6. beautiful pictures.
7. new things that you've wanted forever.
8. singing really loud to a really good song, not caring who hears or if it sounds good.
9. long car rides.
10. those songs that make you feel infinitely. pencils.
12. that moment when you're singing a song and you suprise yourself by hitting every note perfectly on the hard parts.
13. ice cream..and cookies. and brownies. sugar.
14. staying up really late and just talking at sleepovers.
15. writing new songs.
16. getting home and realizing you have no homework.
17. the rare occasion of snow.
18. fireworks.
19. trips with mi familia, even if it's to nowhere in particular.
20. summer.
anyway, supposedly it's going to be warm tomorrow, so i hope you enjoy the sun as much as i will.
later <3

Sunday, March 6, 2011

I'm on a trip, i can't get off, can't get over.

march. how is it that i went from blogging every single day to once a month? its strange. anyways.

i cant wait for summer. i cant wait to go see Ani Difranco and U2 and The Maine in concert. i can't wait to go to Warped. i can't wait to go camping and swimming and kayaking. i can't wait to sleep in. i can't wait to go to the beach, to maybe go to the Grand Canyon, to tie dye lots of shirts. i can't wait to go to the hippie festivals like harmony and power to the peaceful, and maybe Kate Wolf. i can't wait to go to ikea and spray paint shirts and spend lots of time with friends. i can't wait to have time :) summer is one of the joys in life, by far.

you know what else? i love polaroids. i mean, how can you not? they're so...quirky. and nostalgic. and beautiful. they make me really happy, just..something about them. something on my bucket list is to buy a polaroid camera.

anyways i am going to continue watching Flushed Away, ya know the one with the rat flushed down the sewer? i adore that movie :D and doing my spanish homework. theoretically haha.
until later,
