Saturday, February 12, 2011

I'll state something rash, you have the most amazing smile.

so...the month of love.
ironically, the thing i'm most looking forward to is an anti valentines day thing i'm doing with a few of my friends. but yah know, it's not anti love...its just anti hype. :)

so the past few days i've been pretty sick, fever sick, but i made it through without missing school! woo! ...kidding. sort of. believe me, i wanted to. to be able to. but the problem with highschool, one of them, is that it's extremely difficult to miss any school without being slammed with a ton of makeup work after. anyways, i am on the mend now. just got this extremely irritating cough, which makes it impossible to sing, which is a total drag, but oh well. my fingers are triple crossed it will go away soon.

lately i've been kind of nostalgic in a sort of positive way, for being a little kid again. it was so simple... summer seemed like an eternity. the scariest thing was the dark. no worries about the future, just that moment alone. i miss that :) i saw a little girl today with her dad, she looked so so happy, so carefree and innocent. not that i am not, but it just seems like when you are little, there's so much less to worry about needlessly. just a thought.

other than that, my day consisted of watching my dad get yelled at by a probable mental old dude for absolutely no reason, then get invited to play in said old dude's jazz band, and watching youtube videos of guys dressed up as squirrels :D yep, thats me. haha. oh, and listening endlessly to The Maine. another friggin awesome band i am semi obsessing over. just, ya know, in case anyone wants to know.

and yes. i have come to the conclusion that my posts have now become pretty boring. or maybe they always have been, who knows. so i'm sorry. but i gotta stop apologizing at the end of each one for how boring it is because chances are, they aren't going to get much more entertaining. so...yea. thanks to those of you who take the time to read them anyway :)



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