Sunday, January 9, 2011

I know you feel it too, these words get overused.

She breathes in and out, facing forward, staring at the time racing by her, past her, and all she can do is try and live in every second. has she changed? is it that one, crucial second that makes the inevitable come to a stop? or is it the vast span of neverending seconds that become, consume, define who she is? only the always running clock, no matter how hard time tries to escape from its fate of passing, can tell.

i can't believe it's a new year already. how is it that 2010 seemed to go by faster than a single heartbeat? yet, so many amazing things happened. everything i have ever blogged about happened in 2010. so much, unbelievable has happened. i wonder if i have changed. i probably have, even if its just that my cells are now new. anyway, i'm ready for a new year i think. i am sort of nostalgic for 2010, but i'm ready for new :)

i've been pretty sick the last few days, came down with it thursday night, but i had to got to school friday because i had two tests. i shouldnt have, i couldnt swallow, and my head was pounding and hazy. i haven't felt that bad in a while. i was walking down the halls and all of the sudden everything started moving much slower than normal, i felt like i was in a dream, and everything seemed like i was watching it from someone elses eyes, but i wasn't really there. i think i was delirious. i made it through, actually thanks to my friends, they sort of saved me. anyway i went home and slept for a long time, and now i am on the mend. thankfully.

in other {really exciting} news, i might be going to india in a few weeks! yep, i am absolutely phsyched. and really anxious to know. i would go with my dance troupe, and we would compete in the indian version of So You Think You Can Dance. i know. so. amazing :) basically a few members of my troupe went to an audition for it a few weeks ago and the judges loved them, and said they were interested in having them come and compete in india, so my teacher told them that there was an entire troupe and they were interested in all of us. in essence, if we went, they would pay for us all to go to india, compete and dance in front of 200 million+ people, for a minimum of two weeks, maximum of three months. its probably unlikely, but still. keep your fingers crossed for me. would be unbelievable.

so, anyways, thats my current news. oh, also, i finally saw inception. finally. and, yes, just as everyone said it was confusing, but honestly, i understood it all. it wasnt that confusing. but i do have to say that whoever came up with the story is one of the most brilliant and imaginative minds out there. i wish i could be that brilliant myself.
until later,

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