Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I'm a renegade, it's in my blood.

I find it strange that, despite the fact that it has only been a matter of weeks since i have last written, it seems like a world has happened.

To begin with, my birthday was fantastic. The actual day was spent doing much of nothing; i walked downtown and bought a few cherry red bandanas which i sewed into a shirt. A polaroid camera made it into my arms as well, which i am so happy about. I can't wait to get film and try it out. That night consisted of cake and candle flames, and beautiful presents and listening to Bon Iver, which just made the night that much more gorgeous.
The next day my family and i went to the city. I always love going there; get all dressed up in pretty clothes and be whoever you imagine yourself as. I wore heels, which, despite the steep hills made me feel tall and more grown-up than usual. One of those days where you come home late when all the neighbors are asleep, crawl into bed softly and are lulled to dreaming by the knowledge that the day was well-spent.

Then the weekend before was the homecoming dance at my high school. We got all dressed up to go, a big group of us. When we got there, none of us were so thrilled to go and so spontaneously, we decided to go to the beach instead, all ten of us. It was amazing. We drove to the coast and it was warm, perfect when we got there. It was dark out and only a few tiny crystal stars sparkled through the fog. When we walked out on the sand, out towards the water, our footsteps lit up. The bioluminescence was still there, tiny remnants of it. It was so beautiful, like walking on stars. Infinite. We danced in the dark with the sand lighting up beneath our soles and the sound of the waves breaking in the background like the crazy kids that we are. Sometimes, I love being a teenager.

Other little things have happened since then, small, insignificant type things yet still significant to me, but i won't bore you with them. I am tired, so tired, but through it all i love this life i have, and that's all that matters really, in the end.


1 comment:

  1. i don't know what it was that set me off but your post made me tear up. Something about everything you wrote is beautiful. haha i love you emma bananas :)
