Saturday, September 17, 2011

The roof's on fire, let's burn down the Vatican.

Yesterday was perfect. Run-ins with wasps, terrifying but made my sides and my mouth hurt from laughing so hard. Then a quick decision..a weight off my shoulders.

Once school was out, two of my best friends in the universe trekked to the movie theatre downtown where we sat in the shade and had interesting and needed conversations, staring at our reflections and whispering strangely whenever anyone passed by. The rest of the night and today consisted of more of the same talk, laying around and watching movies and laughing until my cheeks ached. I adore nights like that. And i love my friends more than anything.

Homecoming is coming up in a few weeks, so we will be getting dresses and such soon. I suppose i'm excited; it'll be fun because of who i'm with. Also my birthday is coming up. Sweet sixteen, so hard to believe. When i was little it was always the age i pretended to be in games; the golden age. I'm not one for parties, not in the least, but i feel that if i am going to do anything, sweet sixteen is the time for living. But i'm not sure, I will keep you posted.
Until next time,


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