Saturday, September 17, 2011

The roof's on fire, let's burn down the Vatican.

Yesterday was perfect. Run-ins with wasps, terrifying but made my sides and my mouth hurt from laughing so hard. Then a quick decision..a weight off my shoulders.

Once school was out, two of my best friends in the universe trekked to the movie theatre downtown where we sat in the shade and had interesting and needed conversations, staring at our reflections and whispering strangely whenever anyone passed by. The rest of the night and today consisted of more of the same talk, laying around and watching movies and laughing until my cheeks ached. I adore nights like that. And i love my friends more than anything.

Homecoming is coming up in a few weeks, so we will be getting dresses and such soon. I suppose i'm excited; it'll be fun because of who i'm with. Also my birthday is coming up. Sweet sixteen, so hard to believe. When i was little it was always the age i pretended to be in games; the golden age. I'm not one for parties, not in the least, but i feel that if i am going to do anything, sweet sixteen is the time for living. But i'm not sure, I will keep you posted.
Until next time,


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Do you want to be a band of theives, just you and me?

Untouchable, burning brighter than the sun, when you get close i feel like coming undone.

Today has been, for a Wednesday, amazing. It did not start off that way, but as it progressed it got continually better. School like usual, seconds that felt like minutes that felt like hours, so much time spent with my iris' glued to the clock. Science was long, so long, but then wood {don't laugh} was actually pretty enjoyable; our teacher lost track of our project so me and my best friend were able to pass the time with needed conversation. History was better than usual, we got to work on our lily pad analogy poster for the American Revolution the entire hour and a half. I got to draw a french frog...with a beret. It was fantastic.

Once math was through two of my best friends and i walked over to a community garden in town and worked for a few hours. It was one of the most beautiful things i have done in a long while. We got to thin out tiny, infant carrot sprouts so they could grow bigger once the rains come. I got to talk to people i know of, but don't personally know, and just sitting there with my hands caked in the warm dirt and the wind whistling and weaving through us, it was so quiet. In my mind at least, it was like a meditative state. I am going to try to go as much as i can.

Also i was thinking. It's so strange how one compliment, just a single one, can add color to a day. Yesterday a kind person told me that i should be a model for Aerie, and that i looked like a mermaid or a faerie. And while i don't necessarily agree with this, i loved it because it was a terribly sweet thing to say. I think i will try to compliement people more often; it's beautiful how it can add light to a grey day.

Otherwise, my mind has been focused on averagely plain things; homework, school, sleep. Not much to talk about. Thank goodness for music.
Later loves.
