Thursday, August 18, 2011

Even when i'm walking on a wire, even when i set myself on fire.

Why do i always feel invisible?

School has started again. Honestly, it's really not that horrible. I have all my classes except one with my best friend and a few with other close friends. I don't have any with my other best friend though, and that makes me sad. But otherwise it's not the worst. Ironically, i have less homework now than i did over the summer. For now, anyway. But it's nice to see everyone again. It's strange how everyone changes so quickly.

I've been doing a lot of exploring in my little town lately, it's strange how many new things i find that i have never seen before. Shops i have been into a hundred times, or places i had never entered even in my nearly sixteen years of living here were suddenly full of beautiful things. I love feeling like I'm truly at home here, like i know so many of the secret passages and inconspicuous corners that seem invisible to visitors. It will be so hard to leave, when the time comes. But, then another adventure will commence, i am sure, and i can discover a home away from home. I will always come back though, i know that.

Otherwise i have been doing a bit of nothing, taking lots of pictures of pointless things and reading books. And singing. I love this time of year so much, a bit of hot a bit of cold...perfect.


Thursday, August 4, 2011

The girl with kaleidoscope eyes.

These past few weeks have been filled with wonderful things, despite the dotting of stress in between.

Camping was amazing, i always forget how beautiful it is up there and how close you are to the stars. I wished upon a shooting star under a cloudless sky, sitting by the campfire having marshmallow roasting contests. I didn't win; but maybe i got my wish. The water was ice cold but it felt so good against bare skin. My breath got stolen from me every time I jumped in, but it was a good loss, for the moment. We paddled out to a little island in the middle of the lake and I took lots of pictures of shadows and rocks and water. I could have stayed there for a long while.

Yesterday was registratration for my highschool. It's so strange seeing everyone, coming back after only a few months and realizing how everyone has changed so much. I am a bit apprehensive about this year, to be honest. I can foresee breakdowns.
After, time was spent with a few of my best friends, walking endlessly and aimlessly, then nearly napping and talking until our mouths got tired. Late at night we went outside and startripped, which was halarious. I was half drunk on our laughter. I found out today that we managed to wake nearly all of my neighbours up, but it was worth it.

Other than that, I have been slaving away on my history homework and plucking at my guitar. Those of you who know me, please. Do me a favor, will you? Next year, don't let me take difficult classes. I will thank you, cross my heart.

Until later loves.