Sunday, December 26, 2010

She fights for her life on a train.

the beach was amazing.

the rain is absolutely beautiful. and so, as i continue to realize, is life. i mean, no matter what, good will come. even if its so small, miniscule, as a dream.
i have been having these really strange, intricate dreams lately. i almost never sleep without dreams, which i'm not sure is all together normal. yet what is normal anyway? its just odd, my brain must be hyperactive because of all the sugar i have been consuming in the past few weeks. and the thing is, when i wake up, i sort of feel like i haven't actually slept that much because it's like i've been truly living the dreams. i wish i could remember them completely.
christmas was amazing. sometimes i forget how truly lucky i am to have the family i have, as well as the friends. i mean, when i think about it i wouldnt ask for really anything to change. i mean small things, sure, but doesnt every family have flaws? also, among the things i got, i also got a tie dye kit, which i am pretty phsyched about. i'm going to look like the total hippie now with all my soon to be tiedyed clothes. i also got Across the Universe, which i love for some reason, and a beautiful glass necklace. the other thing about my family is that my extended family is absolutely huge; i have about twenty cousins and around twenty or twenty five aunts and uncles, as well as my grandparents, who nearly all live really nearby, so i always end up getting alot more presents than most, which is wonderful but i also end up feeling a bit guilty about. i suppose that cant really be helped though. i'm just grateful.

after christmas me and one of my closest friends got together and played music, watched movies and tv shows and ate pie. it was really fun, and it was also generally more productive than our usual gettogethers. then the next day me and two of my other close friends had a sleepover and made cookies, watched movies and just talked. i dunno why, but sometimes the talking is the best thing that happens. it's just really...enjoyable. i'm not sure why, but anyways.

then today me and my mom, dad, and brother went to the beach. it was absolutely freezing, windy, but it was still beautiful. there were these hanggliders there, it looked like so much fun. i think that might have to go on my bucket list, hanggliding. it looks amazing.

and i have discovered/rediscovered my current favorite band. the dead weather. its jack white...{of course}. and three other people, the other singer is a woman who has a crazy good voice. ah it's amazing. i could listen to it for hours.
alright well tomorrow is the last day of the year. hard to believe, seriously. until soon.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Everyone has a skeleton, a closet to keep it in.

only until the earth freezes over will my love for you stay. then, it will grow exponentially.

nearly christmas! i am incredibly excited. and it is sunny for once, although i have a feeling it wont be on christmas. i dont think i will mind too much, honestly. i do wish it would snow though. last year it snowed for a few minutes, and obviously more than a few minutes would be amazing, but still. even that worth is sort of beautiful.

until later.

Friday, December 17, 2010

i believe in you even if you don't believe in me.

finals. are. over.

i am kind of completely phsyched. for christmas, for new years, for sleep, for hanging out, for music sessions, for everything. just pushing certain things behind me, living for now.
not much else interesting has occured since my last post, i wish something had. we changed seats in my math class and this guy started creeping on me. he kept touching my hair, and moving my desk around. i swear i wanted to freaking slap him. i think that might have been frowned upon though. anyways this other guy finally said i could change seats with him so i did, and he slapped him for me. that made me kind of happy...karma right? but anyway.
i also saw the tourist today with two of my friends. i know it got kind of bad reviews but i actually liked it, although it was a bit predictable. and the fact that johnny depp was in it at all just automatically made it at least three stars, without even have seen the movie at all.
and i got a christmas tree, which i adore. the holidays make me happy. as do christmas lights.
also musically, i rediscovered Mumford and Sons and Kadawatha recently...i kind of adore both. if you get a chance...look them up.
i wish i had more to say, but life just isnt terribly exciting of late. now that i am on break though, i will actually have time to do interesting things.
and new years. i dont know how i will take it yet. i do know that i dont want to forget this year. ever. the little moments, even the ones that came to nothing. even them.
i still believe in them.
